The policy pathways fall into four broad priority categories:
• Promotion of digital skills for inclusion and employment: A massive push in broad digital skills education increases the user-base and market for digital solutions in Africa. Building advanced digital skills increases the employability of young people on the continent in the global digital jobs market. • Incentivisation for startups and SMMEs: Constructing conditional frameworks to spur innovation and entrepreneurship. These include: improving the ease of creating startups, support grants, procurement preferences, incentive funds for private investors, tax-free operations for the early years, and incentives for Research & Development (R&D). • Preservation of digital rights and access to digital infrastructure: Advocacy for policies aimed at bridging the digital divide, limiting the disruption to online services, and promoting the right to information to address issues such as internet shutdowns, bans on some digital platforms, and arrests of online activists. This pathway also includes the development of infrastructure for digital identity and broader access to online and mobile services. • Development of harmonised common frameworks: Promoting easy access to regional markets through legislation and policy harmonisation. This includes negotiation of the AfCFTA, concerted actions on data governance, and consolidation of sector-specific regulations - including adopting regulatory sandboxes - to support international market access.
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