Building A Thriving Innovation Economy (3) (1)

Building A Thriving Innovation Economy

the African Union’s Agenda 2063 - The Africa We Want. The chapter is a clarion call for shared vision and shared impact. AfriLabs has admittedly not broadcast its intended and actual impact as widely as it could have. We begin this process by presenting a working theory of change to articulate our intended impact and associated pathways. This work begins to demystify the impact of AfriLabs and the role and impact of African innovation hubs. We consider our member hubs as the primary channel for impacting innovation in local communities. This leads us to a working definition of ideal African innovation hubs, challenging the contextualisation of our structures, program design and delivery and motivation for setting up hubs in our communities. We intend for this to trigger a conversation on the need for hubs, involvement and leadership from local communities in setting up African hubs, the meaning of and possibility of sustainability for

African hubs, and of course the impact of African hubs.

Having laid down the foundation through our learnings and aspirations, and having positioned African hubs as key to a thriving innovation economy, we then move to our strategic pillars and present our key activities to ensure that we have a sound internal structure, offer maximum support to hubs, influence innovation policies and curate key evidence and learnings to support data driven growth of the African innovation ecosystem. At the core of our way of working is collaboration. Partners and community members can rest assured that even as our goals and scope become more ambitious, our DNA remains the same. Co-creation, community, localisation and inclusion will continue to be guiding principles for our approach to engagement at all levels.


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