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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 SPRING CLEANUP Spring Cleanup Week for residents of Alfred-Plantagenet Township is May 10 to 14. Homeowners will be able to put some of their junk on the roadside for collection by the township during the regular garbage collection days for their neighbourhoods. Check the municipal website for guidelines on what items are accepted and what the load limit is. Also check the website for details on Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day May 8 at the municipal yard in Plantagenet. – Gregg Chamberlain CANDIDATS DU NDP Il y a maintenant deux personnes en lice pour devenir le candidat du NPD pour Glengarry-Prescott-Russell lors de la prochaine élection fédérale. Konstan- tine Malakos et Sylvie Paquette sont en compétition pour le poste. L’association de circonscription du NPD choisira son candidat lors d’une réunion de nomina- tion virtuelle le 23 avril.

Local groups working on family history projects may be eligible for some funding help from the Ottawa Genealogical Society. The society offers grants-in-aid for projects related to genealogical research within its area, which includes Russell County and the counties of Lanark and Renfrew. —stock photo AIDE AUX PASSIONNÉS DE GÉNÉALOGIE MY COVID-19 VACCINATION EXPERIENCE: AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. LEROUX by Dr. Shoshanah Deaton

Dr. Leroux has been working as a family physician in Clarence-Rockland since 2007; she also works as a sports medicine specialist, and at a retirement residence. She tells us about her experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.


Toute personne impliquée dans un projet d’histoire familiale peut obtenir une aide financière de l’Ottawa Genealogical Society. La société offre cette année une sub- vention de 5 000 dollars et est prête à approuver des subventions d’une valeur maximale de 2 500 dollars. L’argent est destiné à des projets qui «contribuent à la connaissance des techniques généalo- giques et à la connaissance de la généalogie relative aux noms, lieux, dates et histoires de famille.» Les subventions sont accessibles aux candidats appropriés dans la zone géogra- phique de fonctionnement de la société. Celle-ci comprend la ville d’Ottawa et ses zones fusionnées ainsi que les comtés de Russell, Lanark et Renfrew. Seuls les demandeurs sans but lucratif enregistrés en tant qu’organismes de bien- faisance peuvent présenter une demande, qui comprend les groupes généalogiques locaux, les musées, les archives, les bibliothèques, les écoles, les sociétés his- toriques et les groupes communautaires. Les projets susceptibles d’être financés peuvent comprendre des publications sur l’histoire des familles locales ou des sujets généalogiques connexes, le développement de bases de données, la numérisation ou la préservation de documents et de collections d’archives et l’organisation de sessions de formation et d’ateliers sur la généalogie. Le candidat retenu doit être prêt à faire une présentation sur le projet financé et inclure la reconnaissance du soutien finan- cier de la Ottawa Genealogical Society. La date limite de dépôt des demandes est le 1 er mai. Pour plus de détails sur les demandes de subvention, consultez le site www.ottawa.

Q: When did you get your COVID 19 vaccination? A: I got my first dose on January 7, 2021 at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus through Ottawa Public Health’s vaccination program. Q: Why did you receive it before others? A: In the first wave of vaccination, health professionals who provide services in long-term care facilities and seniors’ residences could receive the COVID-19 vaccine. I work at the Willowbend Riverstone retirement community in Orléans. Q: What were your emotions when you received your vaccine? A: I got my first dose of vaccine at 6:00 p.m. on a Thursday, at the end of a work day. I’d had a good night’s sleep and a busy day at work. I planned for a snack, since my vaccine was at 6:00, at dinner time. So I felt ready and excited to finally have the opportunity to be protected against this virus that has caused a global pandemic, and privileged to be among the first to be given access to the vaccine. Registration was quite quick and efficient. I was a little worried that I might have a reaction. I thought if COVID-19 was so aggressive, the vaccine might be harder to tolerate. Then I reassured myself, remembering that it was a similar vaccine to the flu vaccine, so it couldn’t be worse than that one, which I get every year. The female doctor who was going to administer the vaccine was very informative and professional. She explained to me the possible side effects such as fever, fatigue, nausea, sore throat, muscle pain and cough: the same symptoms that are associated with COVID-19. She explained that it’s usually the second dose that produces the strongest reaction. Q: Did you experience any side effects? A: With the first dose, I just had mild fatigue and a little pain in the back of my neck for 24 hours, but with the second dose, I was very fatigued, and I had muscle pain in the back of my neck and a feeling of being in slow motion – to the point that I had to lie down for two hours. Once I had rested, everything sorted itself out. I even went skiing two days after getting the vaccine. Rest is very important after each dose of the vaccine. Q: What are the most common side effects? A: The most common symptoms are fatigue, muscle pain, sore throat, nasal congestion, and cough, which are also possible with the flu vaccine; as I mentioned, the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is more intense. Q: How has COVID affected you personally? A: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected my own activities and my children’s, too; it’s changed how I work as a doctor and how we live as a family, and it’s limited my ability to travel. My parents, my brothers and their families live in Québec City; my children and I haven’t been able to see them for months. Also, the impact of COVID-19 on our teens is huge. Adolescence is supposed to be full of new social experiences as young people work toward becoming independent and building a career. Instead, the pandemic has put young people in isolation, and this has extended from month to month. It’s the same for seniors. My parents are still very healthy, so I don’t have anyone in my family in that situation. However, I have many elderly patients who are experiencing isolation, and that is extremely difficult to endure. Some are in tragic situations, such as being in the hospital without having any family with them, or having cancer surgery without their families, or losing a loved one with restrictions on visits in the last days of their lives. All these situations make me realize how essential family is, and how important it is for me as a parent to help my children stay hopeful that life will go back to normal one day. I’m looking forward to my patients being able to get vaccinated soon!

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