Sixth Form Prospectus 2025

The Experience

Sixth Form life is about so much more than just attending lessons. We believe that enrichment events and opportunities make our students more rounded learners, more engaged with the wider community and ensure that their time here is one they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Duke of Edinburgh Oldfield School runs a very successful Duke of Edinburgh programme at all levels of the award, whether students are starting at Bronze level or wish to move onto their Silver and Gold awards. School Service & Community Links All Year 12 and 13 students are encouraged to actively engage with school service. Guided by our Student Leadership Team, students will, throughout the year, be involved in and lead a whole host of school activities and events. These could be as a learning mentor for Year 11 students, or providing support for new Year 7 students. Our students are also expected to volunteer and contribute to the wider community, and this can be through supporting students in our local primary schools or visiting local care homes.

The vast majority of subjects offer lunchtime and after-school clubs, ranging from Rugby to Debate Club. Sixth Form students are also encouraged to run their own clubs, for example the highly popular Sixth Form Film and Book Club. Trips for the Sixth Form As part of the Sixth Form experience, day trips and residential trips can be important in enhancing a student’s subject knowledge. Our History students have visited both St Petersburg and Moscow to support their study of Russian history. Drama students have experienced a residential theatre trip to London to watch a play in the Globe and participate in a workshop on Elizabethan costume design. Drama and English students have visited New York, there is a History and Psychology trip to Berlin and our Modern Foreign Languages students have the opportunity to participate in an immersive language trip to Spain or France. Sixth Form Enrichment Programme Every student in Year 12 will be timetabled one lesson a week to study or develop a skill outside their A level choices. Students choose from a range of enrichment opportunities, which could include a teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) course, sport and fitness activities, study skills or a crash course in the ‘history of western thought’, amongst other options.

Oldfield Sixth Form Prospectus 2025

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