Sixth Form Prospectus 2025




At Oldfield School, we try to strike an appropriate balance between allowing our students the freedoms and responsibilities commensurate with being young adults, whilst ensuring they meet the high standards of conduct that reflect our school’s ethos.

Attendance During Term 1, all students are expected to attend school the whole day, from 8.30am until 3pm. If, at the end of Term 1, a student’s attendance is 98% or better and we are satisfied they are making good progress, we will grant them the privilege of home study. Attendance at lessons is essential if students are to achieve their true academic potential. All attendance is closely monitored.

Study Expectations We actively encourage students to use the study facilities in the Sixth Form Centre. For every hour of taught lesson time, we would expect students to complete a further two hours of independent study. It is therefore essential that students use study periods productively. Tutors work closely with students in order to help them manage this time. Similarly, completing homework and meeting deadlines are equally vital in achieving good grades. Although subject leaders will set homework, a motivated A level student will read widely around their subject. Student progress is monitored termly by the Head of Sixth Form to ensure students are getting the best out of their studies. Dress Code Students should come to school dressed for a working environment. Students will be provided with more detail on this during our induction process.

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