Sixth Form Prospectus 2025

Steps into Oldfield Sixth Form

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The key steps in your journey to Oldfield Sixth Form.

Research Talk to subject teachers about their A level subjects. Talk to tutors about the benefits of studying in our Sixth Form. Contact the Head of Sixth Form if you have any specific questions. Sixth Form Information Evening There will be a subject fair and subject presentations at the Sixth Form Information Evening. Students can gather information, find out about subjects and have their questions answered. Apply Fill in the application form on our website by following the link below, or a paper copy is available from our Sixth Form office.

Attend a Sixth Form consultation meeting Once you have applied, we will ask you to attend a consultation with a senior member of staff. This is your chance to impress us! It also provides an opportunity for us to discuss your choices, your future ambitions and how to help you make the most of your time in the Sixth Form. Interviews will take place January/February.

Receive your offer All offers will be sent out during March.

Induction Day Once you have received your offer you will be invited to our Sixth Form Induction Day. As part of the day, you will attend an hour taster lesson in all your A level choices. GCSE results day! GCSE results are issued and your place at Oldfield Sixth Form confirmed. External students will need to email their results to us in order to confirm their place. Start of Term 1 Sixth Form registration on the first day of term at 8.30am in the common room: the start of two wonderful years here at Oldfield School Sixth Form.

Experience There will be opportunities to discuss Sixth Form life with current students and subject teachers will provide information about their specific A level subjects.

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