Sixth Form Prospectus 2025

Our Aims



We want to ensure that all students leave Oldfield Sixth Form with the very best results they can achieve.

We have three key aims for all our Sixth Form students: Academic Success Once again, we are very pleased with our results. 50% of all grades were B or above in our last A Level results. We are keen that all students, regardless of their prior attainment, make excellent progress. This progress places us in the top 20% of Sixth Forms nationally. Guidance and Support Students prosper at A level when they receive individual guidance and support from their teachers. This is why we are committed to small class sizes. We will aim for classes to be no larger than 15 students. We want to ensure that students are well supported, positive, enthusiastic learners. They meet daily with their tutors and the Head of Sixth Form has an open-door policy so students can talk through any concerns. We have a dedicated Sixth Form Pastoral Support Officer, providing further support to students that may need it. We also run a well-developed career and higher education guidance programme.

The Wider Community Students are encouraged to be fully involved in the wider school community. They can play an active role in the Sixth Form Committee, take part in sporting, cultural and scientific clubs and events, or help support students throughout the school. We want to foster independence and critical thinking, allowing students to become well-rounded, educated people who go on to play a positive role in our society.

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