Sixth Form Prospectus 2025



The combination of hard working students and experienced, dedicated staff means Oldfield Sixth Form is extremely successful in terms of academic results and personal development and careers.

Our young people make an excellent contribution to the school during their time here which benefits them and the wider community. We are proud to offer such an excellent foundation for our students’ future studies Andy Greenhough Headteacher

Entrance Requirements To be accepted into Oldfield Sixth Form students need the following requirements: – five GCSEs at grade 5 or above, including English Language and Maths – subjects taken at A level require at least a grade 6. Please see specific subject requirements at the back of this prospectus. We will consider carefully our applicants’ strengths and what they can offer our Sixth Form, so we look at each application on its own merits. For those students who meet the entrance requirements but have not achieved a grade 4 in either English or Mathematics, we can arrange a retake in that one subject, if we feel that student can make a success of their A level study.

A Level Subjects on Offer Art – Fine Art Art – Photography Art – Textiles Business Studies Biology Chemistry Computer Science Dance Drama & Theatre Economics

English Language English Literature Film Studies Diploma in Food Science & Nutrition French Geography History Mathematics Further Mathematics Music Music Technology Philosophy and Ethics Physical Education

Physics Politics Product Design Psychology Sociology Spanish

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