DC Mathematica 2017


= 𝛽𝐼 − 𝑣𝐼

The rate of change of people who have recovered with respect to time:


= 𝑣𝐼

What do these actually mean?

Well, just how gradient is rate of change on a graph, rate of change means the same here.

If 𝐼  is positive then the number of infected people is increasing, i.e. the disease is spreading. If 𝐼  is zero then there is no one is becoming infected, or people are being infected and recovering at the same rate (either way, there is no change). If 𝐼  is negative then the number of infected people decreases, or more people are recovering than become infected. Note that these equations also feature the constants 𝛽 and 𝜈 . 𝛽 represents the contact rate, i.e. probability of infection when exposed to ill person directly. 𝜈 is the recovery rate (time taken to recover- and for the purposes of a simple model, become immune).These values are given by the formulae:

𝐷 = 1/𝜈


= β/v

Where 𝐷 is the duration of infection.

How does this work in real life then?

A convenient online resource models measles for us (note format has been changed for ease of understanding).For measles we have an average infection of about a week. Working in days;

1 𝜈 1 7

7 =

𝜈 =

take R 0

= 15

𝛽 𝜈



15 = 𝛽 0.14 𝛽 = 2.14

Therefore our 3 equations for rates of change become:


= −2.14 𝐼 


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