
We’re all different and we all live in different ways but having that voice is the key to changing things.

Luul, Western Australia resident

The WA NRAS team worked hard over the year to take on a national role, managing over 530 assessments and submissions across four states and successfully met the deadline. and Capacity Building Manager Leah Watkins participated in a series of sector workshop to design the operating model for a Common Ground in Perth and Mandurah. Being part of the development will enable HCWA to be part of a closed tender in 2023 and provides an opportunity to expand our Common Ground footprint from SA to WA. Codesign model to expand Common Ground to WA HCWA was successful in an expression of interest to codesign the WA Common Ground Model. HCWA General Manager Natalie Sangalli and Tenant Engagement

Luul Steps Up

When Housing Choices WA resident Luul tragically lost her three-year-old brother, Muad, in the2019 Christchurch NewZealand Mosque terroristattack, Luul’spriorities changed. Thedevastatingevent became the catalyst forLuulto become moredeeplyinvolvedinher community. “I realised that I needed to step up.” Luul was born in the African country of Somali before moving with her family to New Zealand as a refugee when she was eight. In 2003 she migrated to Australia where she met her husband, Ali. The pair began renting a two-bedroom private property but, over the years, the family grew and so did the need for more space. “We couldn’t find housing, when you have seven children … people have assumptions of properties being damaged.” The family of nine moved into their Housing Choices WA home after five years on the community housing waitlist.

After connecting with Housing Choices, Luul joined the WA Advisory Committee of Tenants (ACT). The committee represents the state’s diverse residents and their needs, covering broad issues that affect residents through bi-monthly meetings. The committee also aims to encourage community development through programs and initiatives. Recently Luul was made WAACT Secretary. Luul’s own involvement in the committee has not only focused on providing meeting minutes as secretary. She also sought to reduce barriers for culturally and linguistically diverse people by ensuring interpreting systems were available to residents wherever possible and that simple language was used in committee projects.

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