

“I want to leave behind that same feeling of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.”

—Liz Perry

behind that same feeling of belonging to some- thing bigger than ourselves. It’s hard to describe the feeling of fellowship you can gain through paddling and being part of a tradition that goes back to 1908. There is something meaningful to me to be part of canoe history and perpetuating this culture. I’ve made most of my dearest friends through paddling. It’s a special experience when you find ‘your people.’” When it comes to her “why,” Liz says, “It’s fun! Paddling and coaching. It’s an honor to share my passion with others and rewarding to watch crews come together and have moments of success. It’s hard to describe that moment when it all comes together, friendship, hard work and skill.” MORE ALOHA ➻ In the spirit of the holidays, we’re highlighng how other members have given back, many for years and even decades. The e—orts that these members—and countless others—put into the Club through their volunteer work on the various commiªees should not, and does not, go unno- ced. Of course, OCC has hundreds of people contribung countless hours to make this a great Club, and we wish we could highlight them all. Below are just some of the fond memories and words of appreciaon members had to say about one another.

“Laurie Foster, our imme- diate past President, is the current Chair of the Long Range Planning Commi¡ee. She reinvented the Club’s strategic planning process a few years ago, has been

Liz and crew sharing an early morning motivating moment before heading into the water.

instrumental in continuing to evolve our corporate governance practices at the Board level, and has contributed greatly to the Club’s recent eorts with respect to the Elks Club. Her professional, steady, and unflappably leadership is a wonderful style for those around her to want to emulate.” —Emily Porter, Coordinating Director of Long Range Planning Committee

Continued on page 32


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