


“We’d be remiss not to spotlight all the work Val Davis has done for the House Commi¡ee for years running the reciprocal club program.” —Je„ Zimmerman, Chair of House Committee EDITOR’S NOTE: Read more about the program on page 13. “Admissions and Membership is truly a commi¡ee that works together. We all attend and participate in all of the interviews for potential members. We all call sponsors and references for the candidates prior to the interviews. But I can single out Mike Nakano and Anna Barrett for going the extra mile.” —Alice Lunt , Chair of Admissions & Membership Committee “The Historical Commi¡ee is a very “ght group of dedicated people to promote, protect and preserve the rich history of the Club. Our history becomes the art you see at the club, and our team documents all events and preserves our trophies. Joy Barnhart, a member of the historical committee since 2006, has worked to build our Stew and Rice program into a sell out every month. Marilyn Kali, also on the committee since 2006,

Historical Commi¡ee. Keep records of ac ves and member achieve- ments, preserve and restore the Club’s trophies and memorabilia, and perpeate the philosophy and tradons. House Commi¡ee. Develop and revise plans for the general opera on of the Club. Long Range Planning Commi¡ee. Plan and achieve long range goals and objec ves to facilitate the con nuing fure use, enjoyment and financial stabilµ of the Club.

Admissions and Membership Review and inves gate all applica ons for membership, and make sure new members are welcomed and informed. Athle“c Commi¡ee In charge of all athle c sports and events. Think Surf Jam, Macfarlane Regaa and more! Buildings and Grounds Commi¡ee. Develop and advise on maintenance and improve- ment plans for the Club. Entertainment Commi¡ee. Organize and suggest social events such as the annual lū‘au and special holiday happenings. Finance Commi¡ee. Oversee OCC’s investment philosophy and investments, as well as review and report of the financial condon of the Club.

has provided the Club with oral histories of many Club members. She also main- tains the inventory of all the historical items and artifacts, and builds and —Jimmy McMahon, Chair of the Historical Committee EDITOR’S NOTE: Be sure to updates the OCC sports and historical websites.”

Member Rela“ons Commi¡ee.

50 YEARS! Gerry DeBenede¡i has been on the swim commiªee for five decades. The OCC Life Member joined the Outrig- ger in 1975 and has served on various commiªees every year since.

Publicize achievements of the Club and its ac ves and assist in the communi- ca on to members.

GET INVOLVED! If you’re interested in increasing your Club involvement, the best way to get engaged is to join a commi¡ee. Whatever you’re interested in, there’s likely a commiee for you! Each February, a ques onnaire is sent out solicng commiee involvement. Fill one out and rern it to the Execu ve O ce and your informa on will be forwarded to the chairs of the commiees in which you are interested. Ques ons? Contact JoAnne Huber in the Execu ve O ce at 808-921-1406 or email Joyce Mojica at ■

check out outriggercanoeclub- to view the archives, find photos, watch videos of the oral

histories and more. “Dana Bergeman has extensive construc“on and project management skills. He’s played a cr¦cal role in our parking garage and electrical upgrade projects. In addition, Kimbal Thompson is a long- time BG member and Architectural review committee member. He’s been pivotal for our landscape refresh project.” —Tai Sunnland, Chair of the Building & Grounds Committee

➻ Of Note This ar cle was wrien prior to Valerie Davis’ passing. She was a dedicated member of OCC and will be missed. Valerie was part of the Entertainment Commiee for two years from 1989 to 1991 and was commiee chair from 1992 to 1994. She served on the House Commiee for 28 years, from 1995 to 2023.


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