Local hospice care enters the digital world
service program for hospice care. The ad- vantage for hospice care clients is the con- venience the system offers. “Patients love it, particularly those who live far from Ottawa,” said Dr. Pereira. “It saves them driving to those hospitals for follow-up appointments, waiting for a long time to see the doctor for a short visit, and then driving back home. Now they can visit the hospice or hospital in their community and connect with the palliative care special- ist team remotely.” The sites in the Champlain LHIN now connected through the Telelink system for hospice care service include: Carefor Corn- wall Hospice, Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program, Hawkesbury & District Gen- eral Hospital Palliative Care Unit, Montfort Hospital Palliative Care Consult Service, Beth Donovan Hospice, Bruyère Continu- ing Care Palliative Care Program, Hospice Care Ottawa at the May Court Hospice and Central West Hospice, Hospice Renfrew, Queensway-Carleton Hospital Palliative Care Consult Service, and the Ottawa Hos- pital Palliative Team, both the civic and gen- eral campus. Funding and other support for the Tele- link connection came from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Champlain LHIN, Cis- co Canada, the Ottawa Kiwanis Club, the Community Foundation of Ottawa, Healing Cycle Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline Foun- dation, and the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem (Ottawa Commandery).
Photo Gregg Chamberlain
OTTAWA | Hospice programs at hospitals in Eastern Ontario and private care outlets are all going digital now. The Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) in partnership with the Out- Care Foundation and others announced a new expanded palliative care setup for the region using the Telelink system. “I think it’s extremely exciting,” said Dr. José Pereira, head of palliative care at Otta- wa Hospital, during a press conference Aug. 22. “We’ve had wonderful support from so many people. Everyone can benefit from this.” The Telelink system uses the latest ad- vances in cyber communication to connect 12 palliative care sites in the Champlain LHIN with the Ontario Telemedicine Net- work (OTN) and its secure videoconferenc- ing network. Using high-definition videoconferenc- ing setups, doctors and hospice patients can speak with specialists anywhere in the province. Remote diagnosis is also possible in some cases. “There are digital stethoscopes,” said Dr. Pereira, “where you can listen to the lungs from a distance.” The Telelink system is already in use at more than 1600 health care sites in the province. It is part of the Champlain LHIN’s
Dr. José Pereira, head of palliative care at Ottawa Hospital, explains the advantages of the new Telelink system for local hospice facilities, using videoconferencing links with both specialists in palliative care and hospice service representatives in neigh- bouring Lanark and Renfrew counties.
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