
Agenda communautaire

COMMUNAUTÉ * COMMUNITY In search of booty for the boot

BOURGET La cérémonie au cimetière de la paroisse Sacré-Cœur de Bourget aura lieu le 8 septem- bre. Une messe sera célébrée à 10h30 suivre d’un repas au centre communautaire. Les gens doivent se procurer des billets avant le 5 septembre auprès de Suzanne en composant le 613 487-2103 ou en se rendant au magasin Home Hardware. ROCKLAND L'Artisanat Ste-Trinité de Rockland reprend ses activités le 3 septembre à19h, à la salle Bernard-Lapointe au sous-sol de l'église Très Ste-Trinité. Bienvenue à toutes. Renseigne- ments: Yolande 613 446-5655. Une vente de garage aura lieu dans le stationnement de Café de Joël, le 30 août, de 18h à 21h. Les fonds amassés par la réservation de tables iront au financement du parc de chien sans laisse. Le Club Fil d'Argent organise un voyage au "Festival Western" de St-Tîte les 10 et 11 sep- tembre prochains. Pour renseignements: Jeanine 613-446-4814. Activités du club Amicale Belle Rive : le 7 septembre, souper de blé d’inde, ailes de poulet et frite, renseignements et réservation Bertha au 613 446-4370; le 9 septembre, cours de danse en ligne pour débutants, à 13 h, cour de danse avancés à 14h15; 10 septembre, à 13h30 : joutes de dards; le 11 septembre, à 13h, parties de carte. SARSFIELD L’Association communautaire de Sarsfield organise son 4e tournoi de golf le 27 septem- bre au club de golf de Hammond. Les fonds amassés iront à la Fondation de la relève agri- cole franco-ontarienne. Renseignements : 613 835-2608. WENDOVER Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover organisent un souper de doré, le 14 septembre, de 17h à 19h, au Centre communautaire Lucien-Delorme. Musique et danse sont égale- ment au menu. Renseignements : Raymond au 613 673-4840. CLARENCE CREEK 1st Clarence Scouts registration is Sept. 5 at Pope John Paul II Elementary School at 3818 Legault Road in Hammond. For more details phone Éric Pommainville at 613-487-9675. CUMBERLAND The Cumberland Lions Club hosts Oktoberfest , Oct. 19, at the Maple Hall at 2552 Old Montréal Road. Doors open 5:30 p.m., supper at 6 p.m. Good food and entertainment in true Bavarian style with the Ottawa Rube Band performing. Advance ticket only $$30 each for a limited number of seats. Phone Charlotte at 613-265-8299 or Betty at 296-2860. More information at Cumberland Curling Club is taking names now for registration for the fall season in mid- October. The club has options available for players of varying skill levels and experience. A free curling clinic for first-time curlers will be available also. For more details phone George Mota, club membership director, at 613-834-2740 or email cccurling.membership@gmail. com. FOURNIER The Riceville-Pendleton United Churches host their Annual Fall Supper Sept. 7, 4 to 7 p.m., at the South Plantagenet Municipal Hall on County Road 9. Turkey with all the trim- mings along with homemade pies and other desserts. Adults $13, children ages 5 to 12 $5. ORLÉANS The Portobello South Community Development Association resumes hosting its annual free community barbecue Sept. 7, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Portobello Park on Aquaview Drive. In case of rain the event will take place the following Sunday. For more details go to www. PENDLETON The Pendleton Annual Cemetery Blessing takes place Sept. 8 following the noon hour Mass at Our Lady of Divine Love Cemetery, beside the church at 2084 Concession 10 in Pendleton. Lunch follows at the municipal hall on Cartier Street in Curran across from St. Luc Church. Luncheon is $13 for adults, $5 for children ages 6 to 12. ROCKLAND Registration for the 1st Rockland Scouting Group for the 2013-2014 session is Aug. 29, 6 to 8 p.m., at the RocklandYMCA lobby. Registration applies for boys and girls signing up for Beavers (age 5 to 7), Cubs (8 to 10), Scouts (11 to 14), and Venturers (14 to 17). M & MMeats on Laurier Street hosts a charity barbecue for ovarian cancer research, Sept. 14, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. SARSFIELD The Sarsfield Community Association hosts its fourth annual golf tournament at the Hammond Golf & Country Club on Sept. 27. Profits go to the Fondation de la relève agricole franco-ontarienne. For details phone 613-835-2608. WENDOVER Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover host a Pickerel Supper, Sept. 14, 5 to 7 p.m. Tick- ets $20 per plate. For more details or tickets phone Raymond Viau at 613-673-4840 Robert Viau at 673-5868. Community Calendar

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

In the Maritimes“fill yer boots” is an old navy or fisherman expression for “help your- self”. But in Rockland on a Friday afternoon in late August it’s more of a request to help out the local fire department and fire halls all across Canada to help out on their campaign to fund muscular dystrophy research. The latest “toll booth” for collection donations for MD research occupied the Laurier Street intersection in Rockland over the Aug. 23 weekend. The fire department is still tallying up themoney collected dur- ing the two-day blitz. Other “toll booths”may be popping up later in the season near the Bourget and Clarence Creek fire halls.

Veuillez prendre note que notre bureau sera fermé le lundi, 2 septembre , à l’occasion de la Fête du travail. Bonne grande fin de semaine.

Please take note that office will be closed, Monday, September 2 . Have a nice Labour Day weekend.

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