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BB845-A 1.75mm 31 Dia.x.022=.68 ct. 8.0 Gr. (shiny links at the end) BB845-A 2.0mm 31 Dia.x.033=1.02 ct. 7.8 Gr. (shiny links at the end) BB845-A 2.2mm 29 Dia.x.041=1.19 ct. 9.6 Gr. (shiny links at the end)

BB845 1.75mm 66 Dia.x.022=1.45 ct. 8.2 Gr. BB845 2.0mm 62 Dia.x.033=2.05 ct. 8.3 Gr. BB845 2.2mm 60 Dia.x.041=2.46 ct. 9.7 Gr.

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