#5831-01 / #5831-02
FIRST PLACE ® ALUMINUM SLIDING VAULT BOX This Aluminum Sliding Vault Box has enough weight so that the vaulter can feel the resistance when the pole hits the box. This gives great feedback to the vaulter and ultimately great confidence in their plant! A great training tool! #5933-01 FP Aluminum Sliding Vault Box .. $329
VAULT BOXES All of our vault boxes are quality products. Steel needs some maintenance. Our welded and cast aluminum boxes are rust-free. Covers are used to prevent injuries when the vault box is not in use. All meet IAAF, NCAA and NFHS Rules. #5830-01 FP Steel Vault Box (white) .................... $385 #5830-02 Steel Vault Box Lid for 5830-01 ............ $329 #5831-01 FP Aluminum Vault Box (welded)........ $627 #5831-02 Aluminum Cover for 5831-01.............. $355 #5833-01 FP Cast Aluminum Box (not shown)... $679 #5833-02 FP Recessed Cover for Surfacing........ $410
SAFETYMAX+ BOX COLLAR Required by the NCAA and by the Nat. Fed. H.S. Rules This box collar provides additional protection from exposed hard surfaces. Made of three inch high impact foam to comply withthe ASTM Standard F2949. The SafetyMax+ collar includes“wings” which extend down into the box. #5835-01 SafetyMax+ Box Collar ........ $730
OBSERVANCE OF NAT. FED. H.S. AND NCAA SAFETY RULES HELP PREVENT INJURIES. PERFECT PLANT SLIDING VAULT BOX Constructed of high impact thermoplastic. Features include tip proof design, built in handle and unique “zero” mark for accurate Takeoff Point placement. Actual size of a regulation plant box. #5802-01 Perfect Plant Sliding Vault Box. ...... $737 BASE PADS ARE REQUIRED BY NCAA & NATIONAL FEDERATION HIGH SCHOOL RULES
GILL ANGLED BASE PADS Two-piece pad of solid foam construction covered in 18 oz. vinyl. Pads fit most standards with center mounted uprights. For 32"H Gill PV Pits only. #5837-01 Gill Angled (32"-16"H x 72"L x 30"W) $2,955 pr.
GILL FLAT BASE PADS Two-piece pad of solid foam construction covered in 18 oz. vinyl. Pads fit most standards with center mounted uprights. For Gill Essentials, S1 & S4 PV Pits only. #5837-02 Gill Flat (16"H x 64"L x 24"W) $1,880 pr.
FIRST PLACE ® BASE PADS 11"of foam covering wood frame. All encased in 18 oz. vinyl. Available in red, blue, green, black, purple, yellow, navy, maroon, orange and gray. Exceeds NFHS Rules. #5836-01 FP Base Pads (90"L x 17"H x 30"W) $1,995 pr.
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