Page 16 Volume 25, Issue 1 Rise of the Controligarchs: Implications for the Nearness of Christ’s Return By Dr. Mike Spaulding April 2024
So egregious are the actions of the Soros-backed progressives that for the first time in history, these prosecutors have become household names — whether it be St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who made headlines for persecuting the McCloskeys for defending their home against rioters, Chicago’s Kim Foxx, known for her role in attempting a cover-up after actor Jussie Smollett’s “hate crime” against Jussie Smollett, and the now-recalled Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, the son of 1960s radicals who was raised by ter-
aren’t. But I want to make what I believe to be a greater point within the context of the silence of the Church. If we really believe that the return of Jesus is near, shouldn’t we be speaking up and against the wickedness we see in our land? I’m not talking about railing against the lost unbelievers in our com- munities. We are commissioned to go to the lost, the defenseless, the ones who absent our intervention in a meaningful way, will be- come more victim to this current system than they already are. I am speaking about the great need of our day to boldly speak the truth that Jesus is coming again soon and when He does, He is coming as a Judge. Christians of all people should not be dismayed or fearful in speaking about these things that have become com- monplace in this present age. It’s one thing to understand the times in which we live, it is entirely another to take re- sponsibility for changing the circumstances where God has given us opportunity and favor. We must also resist the devil’s temptation to think that Jesus has not, is not, and will never be the solution to the dark times man faces. The Controligarchs believe that wealth and power win every day over faith. Christians know the allurements of this world will fade away one day soon. Until that day arrives, we are to occupy this land for our King. I direct your attention to Matthew 24 where nearly all Bible scholars agree that Jesus provided insight into the climate of the days immediately preceding His return. We read in verses 36-39 Jesus saying: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” The key verse in this passage is verse 37. Within that verse the key phrase is, in my opinion, “just like the days of Noah.” What does that mean? It cannot mean that Noah’s times were sinful. Every age since Noah has seen increasing evil. Many Biblical scholars and his- torians point to Genesis 6 to say that during Noah’s day, there were giants in the land. Genesis 6:4 names those giants as Nephilim. Now don’t panic and stop reading. It doesn’t matter what you believe about this subject. What matters for our purposes here is to see a connec- tion by type. The Genesis 6 account is telling us that human DNA was corrupted and polluted in some way which resulted in Genesis 6:5, “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that very intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Continued on Page 19
“But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance.” (Mark 13:23). A new word has recently entered our vo- cabulary. That new word is “Controli- garch.” Let’s define what that means. Many people are familiar with the word Oligarch. That word emerged in
mainstream conversation from the ashes of the former So- viet Union. Russian Oligarchs were thought of as success- ful entrepreneurs that were able to navigate the difficult times the implosion of the Soviet Union resulted in. An oli- garch is someone who has extreme wealth, usually billions of dollars. With this wealth comes influence. In addition to massive wealth and influence, comes power to change the minds of people who fashion regulations, codes, statutes, and laws. Many times, this influence and power is imple- mented clandestinely through lobbyists. Most Oligarchs do not like press coverage or fame. They are content to re- main somewhat obscure to the public. With that definition in mind, let’s discuss what “Controli- garch” means. Individuals who fall under this definition are not dissimilar to Oligarchs with one exception. Controli- garchs do not mind being in the public eye. They do not attempt to hide from public view and in fact, consider them- selves as a type of champion of humanity and the earth’s environ- ment we share. Many of the names are now familiar to most Americans – Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab to name just a few. Why would these men be con- sidered Controligarchs? They are defined as such because they are using their extreme wealth to change our world. Gates, for example, is buying up thousands of acres of farmland. Why would Gates do that? Is there any relationship between his drive to become the largest farmland owner in America, and his nearly $12 billion invest- ment into “alternative” food sources including lab grown meat? Would a significant decrease in crops such as corn, a staple food source for cattle and hogs, result in a parallel drop in available beef and pork? Would this be enough to motivate people to try Gates’ artificial “meat?” It is an established fact that George Soros donated at least $40 million dollars to assist in the recent elections of multiple prosecutors across America who agreed to not pursue prosecution of certain of- fenses including hit-and-run, eluding police, reckless driving, tres- passing, public drunkenness, and failure to appear. In Loudon County Virginia, Soros-enabled Prosecutor Buta Biberaj dismissed 491 cases brought to her office, bringing only 8% to trial. What is Soros’s stated goal in doing this? Is it to signal to a select demographic that they may create havoc with impunity? Consider these well-known examples:
rorist Bill Ayers and effectively legalized shoplifting in the city. Why should Christians care about these things? Aren’t we pilgrims just passing through? Where do I begin to enumerate the reasons? In the least, we can agree that America is a nation founded on the rule of law. Our law was founded upon belief in the God of the Scrip- tures. Our political theory of governance was not fashioned from sec- ularism, progressivism, or humanism, but from the pages of the Bible. God established governments as we read in Romans 13, for the ben- efit of the godly and to punish wickedness. “For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” This being the case, why are not more Christians speaking up to remind our elected officials of these truths? Some will respond that we are not meant to be involved in politics as a principle and further- more, the IRS forbids it under several 501 codes. Both of those rea- sons are fraught with misunderstanding and have been used to silence the Church for far too long. If Romans 13 means anything at all, it means we must encourage and applaud our representatives in government when they are faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities ac- cording to God’s mandate, or, rebuke and correct them when they
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