WCN Mid-April to Mid-May 2024 Edition

Volume 25, Issue 1 Letters to the Editor


Page 17

understand him. (Isaiah 6:9,10). Having a “call” like yours is basically, a call to em- brace the Cross. Joy In Enduring

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: April 2024 Please let me encourage you in a small way. I have read some of your articles through the years and have been blessed by them...not necessarily the “feel good” type of blessings. Being aware of “truth” in an era that despises Truth and loves decep- tion is indeed a real blessing. Truth and the Gospel are alike in that within both Good News, (you can be born again), and Bad News, (you will go to hell if you reject Jesus as Lord). You are called to a most difficult min- istry as was Isaiah who was told to min- ister to a people who would not

that call 54 years ago, and found that the essence of a true call is found in the verse you know well, “Looking unto Jesus the Au- thor and Finisher of our faith; Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For con- sider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wea- ried and faint in your minds.” There is joy in enduring. Enjoy your ministry, your calling, Rob, and your unique trials, putting up with the igno- rant, and hateful. Be assured that you are being prayed for. All blessings.

Yes, I am a Spirit-filled Christian and love The Way, the Truth, and the Life. I heeded

-Terry Lowe, New Orleans, LA

It No Longer Seems Insane

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: April 2024

high-speed dash to a global digital currency. The lies associated with climate change. The abortions that happen daily; the latest report I heard was over 80,600 this year so far. The child trafficking and pe- dophilia is winked at, and trying to be made legal. The power of, and hostile takeover attempt of the LGBT terrorist lobby forc- ing their demands on everyone in America. The Pope and many denomina- tions endorsing, embracing and celebrating every letter of the sustainable develop- ment/ climate change agenda. Bills before the house and Senate, like the equality act, and then Biden trying to go around both houses to give the W.H.O. power over Ameri- can sovereignty. Corpora- tions forcing what the government cannot force in terms of mandatory jabs, masking and what you can and cannot talk about. And then, you remember a president, named Hus- sein, said he was going to fundamentally change America. And then, you remember reading what Karl Marx said — his goal was to de- throne God and destroy capitalism. And then, you remember Stalin saying the Commu- nist flag would be raised in America and Americans would hoist it. And then, you remember Nikita Kruschev taking his shoe off and pounding it on the podium stating that the Soviet Union would take America from within. And then you remember

Herbert Marcuse advanc- ing the idea of cultural Marxism, which is now la- beled conspiracy theory. I guess they think we’re not smart enough to go back and read his writings. And then you remember the Communist manifesto was the groundwork for critical theory which has been much expanded on and is being implemented through every institution in our country including the churches and passed off as social justice. When you remember these things, then you see the polls are probably cor- rect and our country is in the last stages of being taken over, and it has been clearly announced, not only announced, but you can read step by step how they intend to do it, and you can open your eyes and see how they are doing it. So what is going on in our country now makes sense. It no longer seems insane. It has been well thought out and imple- mented. What makes this unique is it is on a global scale with a global “deep state,” if you will, also their intentions have been an- nounced for many years. I’m no prophecy scholar, but it sure seems what’s happening in our country and around the world aligns with the conditions the world is going to be like just prior to Jesus’ return- ing in my opinion, regard- less of whether you’re in the Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Trib camp. -Russell Call, Bixby, OK

When I see the polls for Biden in the mid-40s, my first response is these have to be rigged polls. Maybe it’s a typo, or it is simply the mainstream media spreading propaganda? Then a cold chill, along with a sinking indescrib- able feeling, maybe some- what like when the people in Germany or other Euro- pean countries, or African or South American coun- tries realized their country was being taken over or else already had been. For a conservative, a pa- triotic American, a consti- tution and law-abiding American, a justice-loving American, a God-fearing and Christ-honoring American, it seems like those polls can’t be true. But then there is the re- porting that nearly 50% of all young people think so- cialism is favorable over our constitutional repub- lic. Let’s not stop there, let’s look at what’s happen- ing at the borders. Hold up, what about the take over of our military by the anti-American “woke” leaders? How about the take over of our schools? The indoctrination, the bathroom issues in schools, men on girls’ sports teams in schools. Then there are our cities collapsing, crime, home- lessness, drug use off the chart, over the top. Unimaginable lawlessness, not even enforcing many of the laws and then releas- ing felons back on the street without bail. A col- lapsing economy, not only the US but the world on a

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