WCN Mid-April to Mid-May 2024 Edition

Volume 25, Issue 1 From the Publisher...


Page 3

Kneeling Before Tyrants

By Rob Pue

was small. My wife and I hap- pened to be traveling at the time, and we were able to visit a National Park. The park was open, but there were no employ- ees working or services operat- ing — thus, according to the sign at the gate, no admission fee. Because there were two of us, we saved $70. Wow. I kind of like “government shutdowns.” We really didn’t need an em- ployee at the gate to take our money. We got along without them just fine. So let’s look at this latest 1.2 trillion dollars we just borrowed, as the government created it out of thin air. Initially, Republi- cans stated they wouldn’t ap- prove this additional spending unless it included the closing of our national borders and stopping the invasion. In the end, 101 Re- publicans sided with 185 Democ- rats, and the measure passed, by a vote of 286-134. And our borders remain wide open. By the way, the cost of accommodating the millions of illegals in this country is $451 billion dollars annually. The total cost of actually securing our border would be $15 billion. Illegal in- vaders freely receive more than $4000 a month in federal assis- tance. Meanwhile, social security checks average $1200 a month. Do the math.

On March 23, Biden signed us all up for another 1.2 trillion dollar credit card. This, following the 1.7 trillion dollar debt we were shackled with in December. This latest loan, taken out in our names by those who supposedly “represent” us — just like so many other “emergency spending bills” be- fore it — was ostensibly to avoid another government shutdown. Our federal government is morbidly obese, outrageously bloated, and yet we’re constantly barraged with threats of govern- ment shutdowns because the government is broke. In case you’re not aware, in America, “we, the people,” are supposed to be the government, so essen- tially, we’re the ones who are broke, whether people realize it or not. Take a look at the website “USDebt- Clock.org.” The numbers there are staggering. As I prepare this mes- sage, every individual US taxpayer owes $266,950 toward the national debt. Of course by the time you get this message, that number will be higher, because the interest on the debt never stops. And just how fast is our national debt (and inflation) rising? This year, the average American house- hold must spend an additional $12,000 annually just to maintain the same standard of living we had just three years ago.

Republicans are supposed to be the so-called “conservatives” on the “right” side of the aisle. Yet I can’t think of a single positive thing Re- publicans have done to stop the de- struction of our country for many, many years now. There are a hand- ful of Republican legislators who make excellent points during their grand speeches on the floor of the House and Senate, yet nothing ever comes of it. Our founding fathers would rightly try most of our current leg- islators and the evidence against them would be so enormous, most would have been hung for treason. But in modern America, “we, the people,” have become powerless.

Our “public servants” have become our masters, and we continue to be- lieve the lie that there are two dis- tinct parties in Washington — liberal and conservative. We con- tinue to vote for the “lesser of two evils” even though the “lesser evil” is just as evil and corrupt — and even more dangerous, because we know what Leftists will do, yet we still, somehow, believe that the so- called “Conservatives” will deliver us from evil. The best thing that could happen is to let the government shut down. It’s happened before, and it’s one of the few times I can recall anything government ever did that was a di- rect benefit to me, even though it

Continued on Page 7

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