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Volume 25, Issue 1
Wise, Intentional Leadership Development High School Students’ Essays On Leadership
WILD – Wise Intentional Leadership Development, a few years ago, intro- duced a high school class on leader- ship development that is currently used by six Wisconsin school districts. The class is offered for ½ elective credit for graduation. The class teaches how to develop and character qualities that a person needs to be as a leader. Biblical prin- ciples and truths are the foundation of the curriculum. Students indicate that the class changes their lives. Below are two essays provided by students for their final grade. In the past month another leadership development class has been approved. This class is Team Development and has the makings of cutting-edge cur- riculum. If you are interested in finding out more about either of the classes, please email: to re- quest a discussion on the material. Character: A Leader’s Most Valuable Tool By Ethan A leader’s character is their most valuable tool. For even if you had all the influence there was, if you don’t have good character you may lose said influence. Everything boils down to your character because if someone doesn’t like your character, then why would anyone choose to follow you? When there are challenges, it is your character that gets you past them with good moral choices. But it seems like fewer people have good character. If everyone were to have good char- acter, though, it would benefit every-
one. There would be more justice, bet- ter decision making, and more ethical decisions. How you interact with others can have an influence on them and they can benefit from it and help their character grow. So if we start having better character we will have a domino effect, causing everyone to be more wise, car- ing, and h o n e s t . This will create a better and more ethi- cal society. It is defi- nitely im- portant to have vision, influence, attitude, and self- discipline. But without good char- acter how will you know if your deci- sions are ethical? Hitler had influence, and a vision. But did he have good character? No, and he lost the war because potential allies turned against him because of his im- moral choices. If he would have been a man of character, he very well could have succeeded in ruling the world. But he fell prey to pitfalls. Character does so much more than we realize and it underlies our lives. In everything we do, we have character. If you want to live your best life, make
good choices and grow as a leader, character will be what helps you get there. I think good character is the most important trait a leader can have. Decision Making Is Important to Leadership By Callie I think what is important to leadership
multiple times, how us leaders should make the right choices and how to react to things. Reacting to things cer- tain ways can result in making some- one feel bad or happy. Non-verbal expressions can lead to how someone is feeling and as leaders, we should recognize that and choose how we are going to react. Decision making should be looked at more so people can be aware of how much we should really put thought into how we are going to address things. I personally favor decision making be- cause I started to think more about my choices and I have been feeling better about my decisions. I have no regrets ever since I put thought behind my words and how I react to things. I take the time to notice people’s word choices, who they’re friends with, and how they treat every- one around them before I approach them. Decision making is also how I lost a few pounds. I started eating healthier and putting my food into smaller portions. Thanks to my teacher for teaching us the values of leader- ship, I feel like a better person and have more confidence. WILD: Wise Intentional Leadership De- velopoment Intentionally Developing Multi-Genera- tional Leaders Throughout The World Mike Prom International Director P.O. Box 502 Rhinelander, WI., 54501 715-367-9453
is decision ma k i n g . Dec i s ion making is w h a t makes up our day and what leads to conse- quences. Everything we do is a decision, like decid- ing to walk left or right, what word choices we use, and who we’re
friends with. Decision making is signif- icant to leadership because we have the choice to serve ourselves or other people and how we do it. Serving oth- ers is how we earn respect and loyalty. Having these two qualities will advance you as a leader. Honesty is one of the things that tie into decision making; you have the choice of being honest or disloyal. Choosing honesty will make people trust you more because they can rely on you to tell the truth. John Maxwell talks about, in his book
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