WCN Mid-April to Mid-May 2024 Edition

Page 44


Volume 25, Issue 1

White Rural Rage: We Are the New Targets!

By Emmett DeBarr April 2024

1). The most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, geodemographic group in the country. 2). Most conspiracists groups: q anon support and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism, science skepticism, Obama birtherism… 3). Anti-democratic sentiments: they don’t believe in an independent press, free speech, they’re most likely to say that the President should be …un- clear phrase “of that”... unilaterally without any checks from Congress, the Courts or bureaucracy...they’re also the most strongly white nationalists, and white Christian nationalists and 4). Most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public dissent. This all seems entirely unbelievable to me! These same characteristics, phrased differently without emotionally triggering words, seem to me to be the backbone of a constitutional republic, as we have never been a democ- racy. The authors quoted from a number of polling and research projects to support their claims. Several of these polling project groups have gone on record to state that the authors misinterpreted their results, and more or less, twisted the perceptions and results to meet their criteria. 1). The first concern is a prime example of the redefinition of words that is frequently found among liberals or “woke” people. Each of these trigger words have been re-interpreted to mean that any concern at all for reason- able boundaries and limitations is considered bad. This has been going on for a long time. The first example I recall was when “being tolerant” which meant to me and others, that as believers, we were to love the sin- ner while hating the sin. It was changed decades ago to now mean that being tolerant requires one to drop all standards and agree that whatever anyone chooses to do is right for them. I have even heard that from come from the mouth of a mental health counselor who said that any decision an individual made would be right. To express any concerns about Bib- lical standards is considered hateful. Racism and xenophobia are closely related and defined as being fearful or antagonistic to anything “foreign” or “different.” To recognize that there are differences should not in itself be considered fearful or antag- onistic when it is simply noting real differences in order to acknowledge or address them. Anti-immigrant has been inaccurately represented when the real con- cern is for the ILLEGAL immigrants being escorted into our country by our government directly and indirectly through contracts with Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish refugee agencies. It is not limited to the southern border as northern states have also been impacted by a large amount of people coming across the border from Canada. These people have maps and checkpoints prepared for them in advance of their travels. Airports, community centers, hotels, schools and even national forest areas are all being utilized to speed the entrance of illegal, unvetted people. The dis- covery of Illegal Immigrant Welcome Centers placed around the country, with the system of airline flights, bussing, housing and many financial supports that are being denied to American citizens in favor of these il- legals is treasonous. Legal immigrants aren’t very happy about this ei- ther! As I write this article, I see several reports of illegal immigrants taking over private homes. One homeowner was arrested for confronting them and trying to evict them. “Squatter’s rights” are now being extended to illegal immigrants. I have seen two offers now from groups willing to come in, confront, and evict squatters for Americans. “Anti-gay” is their label for those who honor the Word and God’s stan- dard on sexuality. Again, we are called to hate the sin but love the sinner and help them to make positive change toward honoring God. THIS is what is called hateful now. 2). The second concern identifies rural Americans as being most com- mitted to what they represent as conspiracies of one kind or another. It has become more and more clear as times passes that much of what was considered “conspiracy” in the past has actually been proven to be true. I suspect that “middle America” may be slower on the update to some of this stuff being spread online, but also more well grounded in daily real- ities and thus quicker to see through webs of lies. If you are opposed to the position that filling our country with people who do NOT intend to integrate and become American citizens with pride in this place, then you can see why they would identify the heartland and backbone of American values as being “dangerous.” Continued on Page 45

Though it perhaps isn’t a surprise to many, two authors have now put a BIG target on white rural Americans. We Wisconsinites are directly in the cross hairs since we are considered to be in the “flyover country” or “the four-hour void between the coasts.” These deprecating descriptions have been around for decades but are being taken to extremes. Seems to me that anyone who has really experienced the Midwest, or central part of America, would not be so easily persuaded about these things. However, the mind control aspects of this “wokeism” are so strong that people can easily jump over any rational objections and agree! It appears to me to be more evidence of the reprobate or depraved mind. “Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” (Romans 1:28). We need to be forearmed to be able to address these concerns. This new best seller can be found on Amazon and some of the interviews they’ve done can be found on Youtube — “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy” by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. These authors give four overarching reasons they have for believing that rural Americans are the biggest threat to democracy. I will list them here and then go back to address the main concerns. This summary was taken from an online interview:

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