WCN Mid-April to Mid-May 2024 Edition

Volume 25, Issue 1


Page 45

‘White Rural Rage’ (Continued from Page 44)

Peaceful, law abiding, God honoring citizens DO agree that violent crimes should be ad- dressed as needed to bring them under control for the safety of all. This is not the same thing as preferring and instigating violence but those who promote beliefs such as repre- sented in this book are very deft at blurring the lines and using emotional rhetoric. When a government fails to protect its citi- zens, the citizens have a right and a duty to hold them accountable and replace as needed


The authors were quick to protest that there is not a plan to replace Americans with these illegals but that is in fact, exactly what it looks like…after promoting COVID 19 and shots, there are millions of people disabled or dead. Fertility has been decreased, as well as all the transgendered people losing their ability to procreate, and there is the highest rate of ma- ternal deaths during pregnancy seen in a hun- dred years per Dr. Peter McCullough. While gun control continues to be pushed for Amer- ican citizens, illegal immigrants have been ap- proved to carry guns. A well-organized

4). Rural America is still more willing than other Americans to see appropriate judgement and authority being exercised for the good of all. Standing alone for the Truth has always been a lonely thing. People are first ridiculed for recognizing problems, and later vilified. At some point, as other people see the courage of one standing for truth, more will stand up…

when it isn’t quite as frightening to do so now that someone is already saying what they were afraid to say before. For many decades now, Ameri- cas leaders have been infiltrated with those who hold glob- alist goals. I think that we in rural America are in the process of recogniz- ing the infiltration and beginning to speak out. The vilifi- cation is here but we must rise above it if we are to remain a people, a nation under God.

travel plan with fund- ing, housing and other American rights is being ex- tended to illegal im- migrants, all at expense of American taxpayers and violat- ing American citizens rights in the process. Rob Pue has identi- fied a number of towns and areas in Wisconsin that have already been flooded with illegal immi- grants…and surely we have seen this around the world.

3). This one seems the hardest for me to summarize. I really can’t quite identify how or why they would say that rural Americans are against democratic principles or a free press. If anything, even only the existence of “The Onion” weekly satirical paper originally based in Madison WI, starting in 1988, would seem to indicate some appreciation for printing things that were out of the ordinary and con- tradictory to the accepted “norm!” Again, it may be that they have redefined what it means to support democratic principles to mean things that support the current woke, totali- tarian practices. I generally see rural Ameri- cans more likely to support constitutional practices, again a Republic not a democracy. I don’t personally recall hearing anyone say that the President or any branch of govern- ment should not have checks and balances. Have you? But then, totalitarianism and the resulting anarchy do not recognize any kind of healthy boundaries or limitations. The whole vision of nationalist or Christian nationalism which I think should be a healthy appreciation for a nation, it’s citizens and its governmental practices and constitutional foundation has also been redefined. Those who have a nationalist or Christan viewpoint are often accused of being a Nazi. Though there have always been individuals within ANY belief system that take things to a extreme, it is rarely true to generalize that to the entire population. It was well said long ago that if all you have is a hammer, all you will see is a nail. The belief system of these people rests on power and control, and the more control the better; right down to redefining language, and being able to control and deal with “thought crimes” of individuals and organizations. So what rural Americans would see as a cen- trist, balanced perspective, these people would only be able to call out one extreme to another, with disregard and disinterest in the centrist beliefs. Polarizing society to be either/or is a large part of the divisiveness that is being pushed. With God’s help, may we push back. 4). This one, coming from representatives of the group that described the “mostly peaceful” riots going on, while fire and explosions were happening behind them on the nightly news? This must be again, a re-definition of terms.

in order to keep order. This is not the same thing as vigilantism. It may well have to be the well-organized militias that the American con- stitution identified as necessary that will be needed.

Those alive in the 1950s may well remember what happened when Wisconsin’s Joseph Mc- Carthy spoke up. While we want to avoid such accusations getting out of hand to harm inno- cent people, I hope that more are now realizing that the fraud and deception American leaders have perpetrated against the people DOES need to be addressed with courage and con- viction to step out from underneath it. Rural Americans may well recognize that we deserve the wrath of God yet also may be in relation- ship with Him enough to know how to inter- cede.

Would it help to rephrase their 4 areas of concern?

1). Rural America is not what it was even 50 years ago but is still primarily made up of peo- ple who see daily reality more clearly and are not so easily persuaded by social media and influencers. We identify as Americans, un-

abashedly. We uphold more Bibli- cal standards on behavior unapologetically. We do not auto- matically identify “different” as “bad,” but do recognize differences are real. If anything, much of rural America, white or otherwise, has been blinded by the firm conviction of what is good and right and therefore has had a hard time com- ing to grips with how off base and truly wicked current leadership be- haviors have become. 2). Rural Americans, white or otherwise, are more in touch with daily reality and have been doing more research to understand and recognize the lies that have been presented through the media. Though we have required leaders in each of the areas listed to do the deepest study to expose the lies, we have then been better able to rec- ognize them and not simply follow along as sheep. 3). Much of what is called rural white America remains committed to constitutional values and still re- tains more of Biblical standards than those on the east and west coasts. Again, the complacency of believing that all Americans still re- tained these basic beliefs has kept them quiet, and uninvolved for too long. That is changing to some de- gree now, thus now being targeted as voices are raised to oppose the horrific changes being made in

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