CCI-Review 2022-23 #2

Rising Insurance Costs: an Ontario Legislative Sub - Committee

What is CCI doing to help condos deal with increasing premiums and deductibles?

The Ontario CCI Chapters, including the London and Area Chapter, have formed an Ontario Legislative Sub - Committee ’ s Insurance Working Group with support and leadership from CCI - Toronto. The Insurance Sub - Committee ’ s purpose is to create educational programming centered around managing insurance risks for condominium corporations. Programming includes a smart tool website application (“ app ”), education, and advocacy. Our objective is to develop content that is members only, improves insurance risk profile in condominium corporations, and is accredited by one or more insurers. CCI - London ’ s very own Board member, Tricia Baratta from Gallagher Insurance, is lending her industry knowledge and expertise to the Insurance Sub - Committee, to ensure that the app is designed to align with the questions and concerns of the insurance industry. Ultimately, we see two main benefits from this work. First is to increase the number of insurance companies that are willing to bid on a particular condominium corporation ’ s insurance policy, which is expected to increase options available to boards, reduce premiums and reduce deductibles. There is precedent for this in the insurance industry. A condominium corporation ’ s participation in the app is intended to operate much like the premium reductions applied for new drivers who take an approved young driver program. In addition, and perhaps of greater long term value, the app will provide Boards with the necessary education and tools to identify gaps in their

Laura Gurr , a partner with Cohen Highley LLP, was first elected to the CCI Board in 2016. She brought her expertise, enthusiasm and an intense willingness to share in her contributions as a writer, presenter and instructor. She continues to be a leader in providing clarity to the amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998 as

they unfold. Laura was also recognized for her business achievement and community

involvement and was a recipient of the 20 Under 40 by Business London in 2015. Laura was awarded her Leader of the Canadian Condominium Institute (LCCI ) designation by November 2022.

existing coverage, identify potential claims risks, and provide tools and strategies to reduce the risk of a claim. By improving education around insurance risks and implementing risk management strategies, it is our belief that this will actually reduce the number of claims and the scope of claims. The Insurance Sub - Committee is taking tangible steps to improve the operation of the condominium industry and, ultimately, reduce costs for unit owners. This is a very exciting project and CCI London and Area Chapter is proud to be working collaboratively with other chapters across Ontario. Stay tuned for more information about the development of this new app and its roll out across the province.

CCI Review 2022/2023 - 2 November 2022 Page 18

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