JG Electronics Catalogue 2025


Heat shrink bags are one of the most exciting innovations in sublimation in recent years and are a major step up from the heat clamps in old.

There are some hard surface products (like bowls, items of uneven shape and large items) which range from difficult to impossible to decorate with a traditional heat press. Also, there’s often a need to decorate large volumes of product which with a mug press, for example, would take forever.

In the past, only clamps which were made of rubber and would be tightened onto the product either with a metal clamp or screws could be used for these items. The transfer paper is applied to the product, stuck in place with heat tape, then the clamp is tightened over it and the whole assembly is then put into an oven to transfer the print.

The problem with these clamps is that they are expensive, you need a different clamp for each different product, they wear out quickly and are very difficult to work with when they are hot. Heat shrink bags completely blow away clamps as they are merely a type of plastic bag which when heated shrinks to keep the transfer paper tight onto the product and allow the transfer process to complete again in an oven. They are very cheap, can be cut into practically any size you need and work extremely well. The process is very simple. Apply the image to the item to be printed and stick fast with heat tape, put the bag over it, heat the bag with a

heat gun to make it shrink so it’s tight on the product , pop the item into the oven and when it comes out cut the bag with a knife or blade to release the product (each bag can only be used once).

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