We’re often asked about the machines that cost a fraction of the price of these. With almost no exception, these machines are made in the Far East, while the ones we sell are made in Spain and thus conform to European Union quality regulations. The cheap machines don’t use strong parts, which results in 2 things. 1. They break VERY quickly but are cheaper to buy – we purchased a button press for under R 500 that messed up more buttons than it made and broke after 150 buttons. 2. They can’t successfully make metal buttons, so you have to use plastic button blanks, and are far more expensive than metal buttons or very thin metal which breaks easily and is a danger – You save on the machine but waste all your money on the raw materials.
We know the European machines are expensive, so we had allegedly “industrial machines” manufactured for us in China. The machine snapped on the 1st job of 500 buttons. Hardly the kind of quality we want to be selling. The broken Far East “industrial” machine is shown on the left. We have both American and European machines in the field that are working for over 20 years!
The raw materials for the button badge cost less than R 2.00 each in small quantities, and 20c for the print and ink, giving you a finished product costing under R 2.20, which can easily be sold for R 35 or more (in small quantities), or R 9.50 in larger quantities of say 200 pieces.
Button press machine (without dies)
R 4,828.28
Die set (56mm)
R 3,392.50
Die set (37mm)
R 2,528.85
Circular cutter (adjustable)
R 2,298.85
• JG Electronics was founded in 1990, (THIRTY THREE YEARS) ago .
• We have customers throughout Southern Africa, including all our neighbouring states, most of Southern Africa, Mauritius and Seychelles.
• We have several well -researched and well-developed systems.
• We don’t sell junk. If we’re not happy to use it ourselves, we don’t sell it.
• With our equipment, you can produce single items, or multiple items of products, in high definition.
• We don’t make false claims.
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