Allianz 222

Increasing income potential

After you begin receiving retirement income through lifetime income withdrawals from the Protected Income Value, Allianz 222 ® Annuity also offers you the potential for increasing income. Here’s a hypothetical example that shows you how.

This example shows 10 years of lifetime withdrawal income following the initial 10-year accumulation phase when you would have purchased the annuity.

Single lifetime withdrawals

Hypothetical payment Payment assuming zero interest

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Interest bonus

Discover the potential of increasing income.

Initial payment at the time income withdrawals begin.











Keep in mind that this represents hypothetical results only and may not be used to predict or project future results. The illustrations shown do not represent any particular index and are not meant to be to scale or proportionate. Actual results will vary by crediting method and index allocation chosen, caps, spreads, and participation rates, as well as market conditions. Actual caps, spreads, and participation rates that could have been applied over this time frame would have been different from the figures shown in this illustration and in some cases may be dramatically higher or lower. No single crediting method or index allocation consistently delivers the most interest under all market conditions.


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