ArtBeat - Winter 2023–24

Open Studio programs are subject to change. Previous studio experience required for all Open Studio sessions. Ages 18 and older. For more information on participation requirements, call 949-724-6880. OPEN STUDIO

PHOTOGRAPHY OPEN STUDIO Open studio sessions available by registration. The David Kawashima Photography Studio features a group and an individual darkroom with complete black-and-white tray setups. Standard black-and-white chemistry is provided. Enlargers accommodate 35mm, 120mm, and 4 x 5 inch negatives. The lab also features a film processing and finishing room with film dryer, print washer, print dryer, and dry mount press. Closed-toe shoes and previous studio experience required. Fees: $15–19 per session

PRINTMAKING OPEN STUDIO Open studio sessions available by registration. The Patrick Merrill Printmaking Studio is a fully equipped, ventilated studio suitable for traditional printmaking techniques. Various etching presses, including a 36 x 72 inch manual Ettan press, outfit the 800-square-foot studio space that allows for various print techniques and processes such as intaglio, relief, collagraph, and monoprint. Closed-toe shoes and previous studio experience required. Fee: $19 per session


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