AVS Annual Website Report 2023


Dear AVS Community,

As I reflect on the happenings of this past school year at AVS I’m so proud of our community and all we’ve accomplished. From full-school events to day-to-day experiences, our connectedness as a community flourished. Together we enjoyed parent coffees, community meetings, camping trips, learning exhibitions, current events, middle school STEAM fairs, J-term presentations, and landmark experiences at MOSAIC, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and Alaska. Our resilience showed no bounds in this year of positivity and unity. The AVS faculty shone this past school year as we regained the ‘muscles’ necessary to foster in-person community and bring out the best in our students and each other. This work and much more resulted in our school’s impressive seven-year CAIS Accreditation, a process which began in 2019 and has been fourteen years in the making. We have been validated in our mission, affirmed as a premier learning community, and recognized for the consistency of excellence in our student outcomes. The capstone of the year was the graduation of another stellar class of Aviators, who now move on to various highly-regarded public, parochial, performance, and independent schools across the region and the country. All of this has been possible thanks to the commitment of our faculty, families, and alumni. Once a dream, the fact that Alta Vista School now exists as a prominent institution allows us to look to the future with pride and see limitless potential.

Thank you for all you have done to realize our current successes and build towards our future goals.

In community,

Dr. Sean Hamer, Head of School

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