King's Business - 1941-10

October, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


is constantly lusting against the Spirit. There are four outstanding phases of that old self life that constantly quench this wonderful Holy Spirit who would pour out those rivers of living water through us. Self-will. The attitude of self-will is refusal to walk in obedience, rebellion against the will of God, disobedience to the Word of God, refusal to walk in God’s ways. Have you heard His voice? Has He brought conviction upon you? Are you trying to stifle the voice of the Spirit of God? You have been convinced of the truth, but have you hardened your heart? Your life may be filled with discord today for no other reason than that your will is stiffened and you want to live your way instead of His, and you will not obey something in His Word He has clearly shown to you. Self-will quenches that marvelous Spirit. Self-love. Are you refusing to walk in love? There is the desire for ease and comfort. Are you unwilling to use your time and strength and money for Him and for others? You have heard the call, but do you refuse to respond to it? If so, there will be spiritual paralysis and a quenching of the Spirit of God! Self-trust. Refusing a walk In faith renders the Holy Spirit powerless. In many churches today there is the burn­ ing of wild fire, false fire Instead of the fire of the Holy Spirit. Is that true in your church, in your life, be­ cause it is the energy of self and wis­ dom of the flesh? If so, God the Holy Spirit is quenched. Self-exaltation. Finally, the Holy Spirit is quenched if the Christian walks in self-exaltation and glory and refuses to walk in meekness and humility. There is much of pride and presumption both in our life and in our service. In my Bible I have written this sen; tence: “There is no limit to what God will do through any man, provided he does not touch the glory.” But oh! how guilty we Christian workers are—mis* sionaries, ministers, Bible teachers, Sun­ day-school teachers, young people’s workers—how guilty we are! We not only touch the glory; we take it to ourselves. And it belongs only to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the blessed Holy Spirit who alone could give to you and me any power to win a soul or to preach a sermon or to teach a class or to help some one to enter into a Spirit-filled life. Are you willing to have your life be just nothing—a zero? Nothing? NOT TOUCHING THE GLORY? [This month’s article closes the pres­ ent series of studies by Miss Paxson on the subject of "T h e Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer." — E D IT O R ]

folly grieve this wonderful Spirit of Wisdom. We do not know how little we know of this wonderful old Book. How we ought to be giving ourselves over to the diligent study of it! The Spirit of'Wisdom who lives within us possesses wisdom, knowledge, judgment and understanding, and how grieved He is when we do not come to Him! He is the Spirit of Power. We are weak and wavering, but this blessed Spirit of Power dwells within us to make us strong! Then He is the Spirit of Love. Un­ forgiveness, unlove, criticism, backbit­ ing, rivalry, jealousy, and the like all grieye this One who is the Spirit of Love. How can the Holy Spirit be expected to fill a heart that cherishes hate ? Perhaps you may have to write a let­ ter before you sleep tonight, making a confession to some one against whom you have had a grudge or a spirit of unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, or hatred, or something of the kind. You may . have to make a confession in your church or in your f a m i l y A r e you ready to do it so that you will not be grieving this wonderful Spirit of Love? Then, He is the Spirit of Life. In­ difference, deadness, lukewarmness, and dryness, neglect of prayer, or deadness in witnessing for the Lord—all these grieve the Spirit of Life. In Him is the abundance of life. Lastly, He is the Spirit of Glory. Worldliness, carnality, fleshliness; pre­ ferring a movie to a prayer meeting, loving the things of the earth, time, and sense more than the things of heaven and Christ—these grieve this One who is the Spirit of Glory. The Holy Spirit is grieved if you are willing to remain a spiritual babe and are sat­ isfied just with salvation. “Quench Not . . Now just one more command I bring to your attention: “Quench not the Spirit” (1 Thess. 5:19). That fleshly nature within us, that old “I,” that self We Should Say "Yes!” Requests are coming from chaplains and enlisted men for copies of T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS to- be sent regularly to camp reading rooms. These are wanted copies. The men are eager for them. These requests are being filled gladly to the full extent of funds available for the pur­ pose, but additional amounts are greatly needed. Please mark your gift “ F o r Military Men.” Address: THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

life and work, andit grieves this blessed Spirit of Truth. Then, He is the Spirit of Faith. Con­ sequently, anything of unbelief or doubt grieves this Spirit of Faith. How long have you been a member of the church ? How long since you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and are you still floundering in the abyss of doubt as to whether you are bom again —a child of God or not? The .doubt and anxiety must grieve the Holy Spirit who has made salvation truth both clear and available in John 1:12, 13. There are other forms of unbelief also. Oh! how this wonderful Spirit of Faith is grieved when He is living within some one who is worrying over health, finances, work, and everything else! Then He is the Spirit of Grace. Any­ thing that is hard, bitter, murmuring, ungrateful, discourteous—oh, so many things come under that heading— grieves that Spirit of Grace. Can it be that you are the reason that the mem­ bers of your family cannot be won to Christ; the reason that some one for whose salvation you are working ‘and praying earnestly will not come to Christ? Is there hidden in your heart some bitterness or rebellion toward God because of something He is permitting to come into your home, circumstances, or life? Then, He is the Spirit of Holiness. Anything that is unclean or unholy, de­ filing or degrading or indecent, grieves Him who is the Spirit of Holiness. Some clothes you have may never be worn again, if you give the Holy Spirit the right-of-way in your life. Perhaps you may have to bum some books that never ought to be in your home, or take down an unsuitable picture from your wall. Do you fear to offend some friend who gave you these unworthy things? But have you considered the fact that you have a better Friend, and that it is supremely important that He be not grieved ? And then He is the Spirit of Wisdom. Ignorance and arrogance, pride and

W ill you not pray about this important opportunity I o r Home Missionary work, and GIVE?

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