King's Business - 1941-10

October, 1941

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


bers at the central station. On the clos­ ing Sunday of one of the bimonthly con­ ferences, 2,800 people were in attend­ ance. Sydney and Mrs. Best (Dorothy Cor­ nell, ’34), China Inland Mission, Chung- wei, Ninghsia, China, who were married October 24, 1940, are serving in the far northwest of China, in work at the mission station and in country visita­ tion. Florence F. Pike, ’15, American Pres­ byterian Mission, Kochow, Kwangtung, So. China, has been rejoicing in being able to return inland to her former sta­ tion instead of remaining at Canton. In addition to helping with the regular work at Kochow, she has had choice opportunities to witness to well-edu­ cated Chinese refugees from Canton and has been privileged to see some fruit in the work. Jean Mitchell, ’35, “ Springview,” Lan- dour, U. P., India, writes of her lan­ guage study and adds, “We often gather the children in and give them the simple gospel stories.” Miss Mitchell is serving under the Go Ye Fellowship. Walter and Mrs. Stanley (Christine Frandsen, ’21), Sudan United Mission (British Branch), Zlrma, via Jos and Numan, N. Nigeria, (British W. Africa, in March attended the North Nigerian Keswick Conference, at which they met Jacob *C. (’31) and Mrs. Eitzen and Adina M. Bergen, ’31. Referring to the effect of war conditions on the mails, Mrs. Stanley said that at the time she wrote, she had not had any mail from her relatives in Denmark for, eight months. Verna M. Pepper, ’32, China Inland Mission, Yushan, Kiangsi, China, though due to have her furlough this year, has felt led to stay on the field because workers on furlough have difficulty in securing passports' to return to China. Married Oran R. Bell and Arshaloos Bedros- ian, ’40, Aug. 24, Honolulu, T. H. James M. Brown, B. Th. ’39, and Grace Vandermeer, Aug. 27, Everett, Wash. Joseph M. Copeland, ’40, and Gene S. Gilbert, ’41, Sept. 14, Santa Barbara, Calif. Harry C. Gay and Constance McCon­ nell, Sept. 12, La Crescenta, Calif. Edward Nash, ’40,> and fda Sanchez, Sept. 5, Los Angeles, Calif. Brown Robinson and Florence Mc­ Clain, July 6, Uas Vegas, Nev. ‘ Donald G. Williams, ’37, and Betty Pauline Russell, Aug. 23, Oakland, Calif. B om To Edward (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs. Goodrick (Gwendolyn Davidson), a daughter, Janet Marilyn, Aug. 16, Los Angeles, Calif. To G. C. and Mrs. B u t l e r (Ruth Jones, ’32), a daughter, Nancy Claire, July 25, Waco, Tex.

FAMILY CIRCLE Allen (’33) and Mrs. Backer (Eliza­ beth Renich) are serving in King’s Val­ ley, Ore., where Mr. Backer is a pastor of the Evangelical Church. Leonard E. Harms, ’24, Rt. 7, Box 480, Salem, Ore., has been working for the past six' years in rural districts, encouraging believers who have been gathering to study the Word, and some­ times seeing the gatherings develop from a dozen to as many as fifty reg­ ular attendants. In Service A broad William and Mrs. Spees (Ella Deans), engaged in the work of the Plymouth Brethren at Lolwa, Irumu, Congo Beige, Africa, wrote in the .spring concerning the seriousi illness of Mrs. Spees’ brother, Robert Deans, a difficulty due to the bite of an infected fly. A later letter from Mr. Deans told of his recovering sufficiently to plan for returning to his work at Lolwa. He spoke of having had a few hours’ fellowship with John Kile, wer, ’35, a few days previously. P e t e r ,J. (’38) and Mrs. Brashler (Edythe McKee, ’37), Africa Inland Mis­ sion, Adi, Aba, Congo Beige, Africa,' have been transferred to their present location from Adja. In this new work they have the responsibility for super­ vising 62 outschools, besides teaching in the day school and assisting with a fairly indigenous church of 650 mem- The Voice of One Who Wept Today I heard the voice of one Who wept in foreign lands Because of sin and misery, And begged with outstretched hands For one small lamp to light his dark. Now fain I would have slept, So stopped my ears, but in my heart That sobbing voice still wept. And then I heard the voice of One Who counted not the cost, But left His ivory palaces To seek and save the lost; He said, “The voice 6f one who weeps Is coming up to Me. Hast thou forgot that last command Which I gave unto thee, To preach My Word to all the world?” O, bitter be our shame! Still hopeless millions walk the earth Who never heard His name, And still the world spends lavishly In every crowded mart, And still the voice of one who weeps Is sobbing in my heart! •—MARTHA SNELL NICHOLSON.

Bible Institute

T o and F rom Distant Fields Wanada Baxter, ’35, and Mary Cas­ well, ’35, were scheduled to sail from Seattle for Sitka, Alaska, on August 22. They have been appointed to the Shel­ don Jackson School under the Presby­ terian Board, Miss Baxter as a teacher and Miss Caswell as a nurse. Dorothy Hosking, ’33, returned to the United States in August for furlough from service in Venezuela, S. A., under the Orinoco River Mission. Her address is 941 Princeton St., Santa Monica, Calif. Albert L. (’29) and Mrs. Jantzen, School of Chinese Studies, Baguio, P. I., moved from Peiping, China, to the Philippines to continue their language study and to give opportunity for the recovery of the health of Mr. Jantzen. They have two children, Grace Joan, age six, and Lyman, one year old. They serve under the General Conference Men- nonite Board of Foreign Missions. R. Howard and Mrs. Gould (Ruth K. Zimmerman, ’35), Box 154, Guatemala, C. A., are rejoicing in their return to their field and in the progress of the evangelistic work during their absence. They have a little daughter, Betsy. They are members of the Central Ameri­ can Mission. Eva Doerksen, Sudan Interior Mis­ sion, Bununu via Bauchi, N. Nigeria, W. Africa, refers to the many obstacles overcome in her return to Africa, and tells of the plan to start at Bununu a Bible school for the Banehi district. She took a gasoline scooter back to the field as a means of traveling more rapidly in visiting the homes of the people. Notes on W o rk in the H om eland Clate A. Risley, ’40, has been serving as assistant pastor of the College Avenue Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif. Lawrence J. Peet, B. Th. ’40, wrote in July that he would be stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif., for about thirteen weeks of training before being moved elsewhere. His address is Pvt. Lawrence J. Peet, Company A, 83rd Infantry Tr. Bn. (1st Pit.), Camp Roberts, Calif. Alta Gorman, ’40, Ganado, Ariz., for the past year has been doing field evangelistic work and Bible teaching, with Daily Vacation Bible School ac­ tivity during June and July. She serves under the Presbyterian Board of Na­ tional Missions. Ben (’36) and Mrs. Hinkson, St. John, Kans., have been serving since July of 1940 in the Baptist Church of St. John, where Mr. Hinkson is pastor. He completed his work for his A.B. de­ gree at Sterling College last January.

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