T H E K I N G ' 8 B U S I N E S S
October, 1941
INTERNATIONAL LESSON Commentary Outline and Exposition Blackboard Lesson Children's Division Object Lesson Golden Text Illustration By. B. B. S utcliffe By G retchen S ibley By H elen F razee -B ower By E lmer L. W ilder By A lan S. P earce Points and Problems B y A lva J. M c C lain , President of Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Ind.
NOVEMBER 2, 1941 SIN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES G enesis 3:1-24; P salm 14:1-3; J eremiah 17:9, 10; M ark 7:20-23; R omans 1:18-32.; 6 :2 3 ; G alatians 6:7, 8 ; J ames 1:13-15; 1 J ohn 1:5 to 2 :6 ; R evelation 22:10-12
he has no sin, it is proof that he is walking apart from God. Christian, keep in the light! 2. Truthfulness (v. 8). By saying that we have no sin, in reality we make God a liar and prove that His truth is not in us (cf. 2:4). Further, such a declaration manifests self-deception, the error that so warps our understanding that it prevents the truth itself from being "in us.” On the other hand, by saying that we must sin, we blaspheme, because we blame God for the sin, and He cannot be tempted with evil, neither can He tempt to evil (Jas. 1:13-15). , 3. Confession (vs. 9, 10). I f a be liever does transgress, he does not lose salvation, but he does lose the Joy of that salvation. For him, the pathway to restored fellowship is in quick con fession to God of this wrongdoing. And, because of Calvary and its efficiency for every believer, God’s own faithful ness and righteousness (cf. R. V.) re quire Him to forgive and cleanse the contrite believer, restoring him to fel lowship "in the light.” 4. Advocacy (1 John 2:1, 2). It is a blessed truth' that the' believer has an Advocate with the Father, and that Ad vocate is the Righteous One who is the propitiation for sin, who "bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24). He “ever liveth to make inter cession” for all who “come unto God'by him” (Heb. 7:25). And His advocacy is entirely sufficient; He is “able also to save them to the uttermost.” 5. Obedience (vs. 3-6). The believer Is to “keep his commandments”—not the law of Moses, but the all-embracing law of Christ. This obedience is the evidence of the believer’s union with God In Christ, and it reveals the presence of God’s truth and love. It is not so much the outward as the inner subjective evi* dence that is in view here, but the “walk” that is Christlike will be mani fest to others also. Let us walk in Him! Points and Problems 1. “God is not mocked” (Gal. 6:7), Weymouth translates “scoffed at,” and Meyer uses “sneered at.” This is no mere admonition that men should not scoff nor sneer at God. It is rather a blunt affirmation that men can not do any such thing. The question under discus sion is whether a man can live according to his own fleshly desires and at last escape the doom which such a man de serves. If he can, then God can be "sneered at” with impunity. But this is Impossible. Whatsoever a man sows,
of those who are taught to those who teach them. The Lord "expects His workers—that, is, those who impart the Word—to look to Him for their support. But He gives His people the opportunity to act as His. agents in this matter. The worker is always under the care of the Lord, but that does not absolve the hearer of the great responsibility of communicat- ,ing, or sharing. As the teacher shares the spiritual things which the Lord gives to him, so the hearer is to share his material things, given to him of the Lord. The selfishness referred to in th is. passage may bring an insidious kind of corruption, when knowledge of the Word of God is received, but obed ience to the Lord’s command is -with held. But for all sin—of the sinner and the believer alike—only "the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth” (1 John 1:7). n . * For the believer, the one who has ap propriated for himself the benefits of the Saviour’s death on the cross, there is fill! and free forgiveness (John 5:24). For him, it becomes true that "there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1). But so long as the born-again one is in the flesh, he must keep on appropriat ing the benefits of Calvary, if fellowship with God is to be uninterrupted and sweet. Thus he will need tfo give at tention to at least five necessities, all of which are mentioned in these verses. 1. Light (1 John 1:5-7). Light is the revealing agent, and God, who Is light, reveals whatever is contrary to Himself and- to His holiness. Hence if one says he is walking in the light and also that BLACKBOARD LESSON ZJ0Hni:9 HE IS FR ITH - nriDTOCLERnSE "IF HlECOnFESS FUt ACID JU5T US FROfTI ALL o u r ain si— TOFOROIUE US .OUR sin s,-- UflRIGHTEOUSnESS S - : 4 i if f - i 4 '* ’§XC£/>ry* f/tP&rT- f i - io./S/J *eiOTrma ctn * etcrs at/» tha y »1/4 /4 I 6/d/8 S ecurity A gainst S in (1 John 1:5 to 2 :6 )
- G a la tia n s 6:7 B e n o t d e ce iv e d ; G od Is n o t m o ck e d ; fo r w h a tso e v e r a m an sow eth , th a t sh a ll h e a lso reap. 8 F o r he th a t so w e th to his fle sh sh a ll o f th e fle sh rea p co rru p tio n ; b u t he th a t sow eth to th e S pirit sh a ll o f th e Spirit rea p life everla stin g. 1 J oh n i :5 T h is th en Is th e m essa ge w h ich w e h a ve heard o f him , an d d ecla re u n to y o u , th a t G od is lig h t, and in him is n o d a rk n ess a t all. 6 I f w e sa y th a t w e h a v e fe llo w sh ip w ith him , an d w a lk In d a rk n ess, w e lie, an d d o n o t th e tru th ; •7 B u t i f w e w a lk in th e lig h t, as he is In th e lig h t, w e h a ve fe llo w sh ip on e w ith a n oth er, an d th e b lo o d o f Jesu s C hrist his Son clea n seth u s fro m a ll sin . 8 I f w e sa y th a t w e ha ve n o sin , w e d e ce iv e ou rselves, and .the tru th is n ot In us. 9 I f w e co n fe ss o u r sin s, he Is fa ith fu l and ju s t to fo r g iv e u s ou r sin s, and to clea n se us fro m a ll u n righ teou sn ess. 10 If w e sa y th a t w e h a ve not sin ned, w e m ak e him a lia r, and his w o rd is not in us. 2 ;1 M y little ch ild ren , th ese th in g s w r ite I u n to y o u , th a t y e sin n o t. A nd If a n y m an sin , w e ha ve an a d v o ca te w ith th e F a th e r, Jesu s C h rist th e rig h te o u s; 2 .A n d h e is th e p ro p itia tio n fo r ou r s in s ; and n o t fo r ou rs o n ly , b u t a lso fo r th e sin s o f ' th e w h o le w o rld . 3 A n d h e re b y w e d o k n o w th a t w e k n o w him , i f w e k e e p h is com m an dm en ts. 4 H e th a t saith , I k n o w him , and k eep eth n ot h is com m an dm en ts, is a liar» a n d th e tru th Is lio t in him . 5 B u t w h o so k eep eth h is w ord» In him v e r ily is th e lo v e o f G od p e rfe cte d : h ere b y k n o w w e th a t w e a re in him . 6 H e th a t saith h e a bid eth In him o u g h t h im se lf a lso so to w alk» even a s he w a lk ed . LESSON T E X T : G al. 6:7, 8 ; 1 J oh n 1*5 t o 2:6. * GO LDEN T E X T : “ I f w e co n fe ss o u r sin s, he Is fa ith fu l and ju st to fo r g iv e a s ou r sins, and t o clea n se us fro m a ll u n rig h teou sn ess” (1 J oh n 1 :9 ). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : P sa. 51:1-13. Outline and Exposition I. T he S owing (Gal. 6:7, 8) W HILE this passage frequently is fishness. It is concerned mainly with "communicating,” or giving—the giving [ These lessons are developed from outlines prepared by the Committee on Improved Uniform Lessons of the In ternational Council. The outlines are copyrighted by the International Coun cil of Religious Education and used by permission. Scripture portions quoted are from the King James Version unless otherwise stated .]
used in-speaking to sinners re garding their sin, it is written primarily to saints regarding their sel
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