October, 1941
LESSON COMMENTARY [ Continued, from Page 383]
and God came and walked with 'them there. One time when He was talking to them, He showed them all the trees of the garden, and told them they might eat of the fruit of every tree except one. He told them if they ate of that tree they would die. Do you think they minded God? Well, they didn’t. Sometimes when your par ents tell you not to do something, do you decide that that is the very thing you want to do? Do you know why? The reason, is that way back in the long ago Adam and Eve disobeyed, and every one since has wanted to disobey, toO. One day when Eve was walking in the garden, a serpent came to her and tempted her to eat of the forbidden fruit. It was really the devil, the Evil One, who was speaking to her through the serpent. Eve ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband. God was sad when He found that Adam and Eve had disobeyed Him. He had to put them out of the garden. * He pun ished them because He loved them and wanted to show them their sin so He could change them. He punished the serpent, too. If you had a lovely garden, would you want a serpent in it? The garden of your heart has a serpent in it. It is called sin. Would you like to get the serpent but of your garden ? I will tell you how. “The blood of Jesus Christ his [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Object Lesson C overed and C leansed OBJECTS: A white paper heart and a black crayon. (Make the heart by us ing a piece of paper 7x11 inches or larger if visibility requires. Fold paper in the middle making the size 7x5% inches. Fold each free end to within & Vi of an inch of the middle, leaving the paper approximately 7x2% inches In size. With the fold and the two single edges to your right, begin to cut out the heart, cutting from a point on the right-hand fold 1% inches from the top. When cutting down the left side, where the heart extends the farthest, leave the folded left-hand edges uncut for % inch. These will act as hinges later. Continue the cutting, making a point at the base of the fold as the lower tip of the heart. Open and you will have a whole heart in the middle and two halves on each side. Color the opened
and evil, kind and cruel, pure and wan ton, made of darkness and of light. Now, to hear of a God who jjs all truth, all righteousness and goodness, in whom there is no trickery or wantonness, no smallest spice of malice or delight in evil, no darkness at all—a God to be absolutely honored and trusted — this was to the heathen an amazing revela tion. . . Nothing has ever given such relief to the human mind as the an nouncement of the simple truth of this verse. To . , . have the haunting idols, with their wanton spells and un bounded powers for evil banished from the imagination and 'replaced by the pure image of God incarnated in Christ . . . this was to pass out of darkness into marvelous light” (pp. 96, 97). . Golden Text Illustration 1 J ohn 1:9 In the legend, the Duchess Isabella, wishing earnestly to obtain some object, was instructed by the Crafty court as trologer to kiss day by day for a hun dred days a certain beautiful picture and she would receive the fulfillment of her wish. It was a sinister trick, for the picture contained a subtle poison which stained her lips with every salu tation. Little by little the golden tresses of the queenly woman turned white, her eyes became dim, her color faded, her lips became black; but in her infatua tion the suicidal kiss was continued un til before the hundred days were com plete the royal dupe lay dead. So we yield ourselves to the sorcery of sin. Despite many warnings, we persist in our fellowship with what seems truth, beauty, liberty, pleasure, until our whole soul is poisoned and destroyed. “Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”—From The Transfigured Sack cloth, by W. L. Watkinson. When Adam and Eve Did Wrong G enesis 3 MEMORY VERSE: “Whom the Lord loveth he correcteth” (Prov. 3:12). APPROACH: Did you ever do some thing wrong and try to keep it from your parents? What happened when they discovered it? Why do you think» your parents pun ished you? Some times children feel that those who cor rect them can’t love them very mu c h , but the Bible says, “Whom the L o r d loveth he correct eth.” Don’t you think it might be that way with parents, too? LESSON STORY: Today we have a story about the very first people in all the world. Do you know who they were ? Adam and Eve had a lovely garden,
halves red inside. On one print "1 John 1:7,” and on the other “1 John 1:9.” Cut rectangles in both halves, 3% inches from the lower point of the heart, 1% inches wide and % inch high. These openings, when facing each other with the hinged halves closed, will form the cross-arm for a cross. Fold the halves forward over the heart, leaving an open ing the shape of a cross. With a blunt tool print the word “SIN” across the cross-arm. Print the word “ SINS” down the upright, using the “I” in the cross- arm. Open the halves and print the word “SIN” four times across the heart using a vertical letter in each horizontal word. Using a blunt tool will let the teacher know where to place the letters during the lessons, so as to fall within the outline of the cross, without making them visible to the class. Fold the halves behind the heart before beginning the lesson.) LESSON: Would one small “ SIN” at the top of this heart be noticeable to God? “ Yes, He sees the smallest sin.” We will' write the word “SIN” in many places in the heart. [Put the word “ SIN” in the four positions suggested, as well as in various other places.] This is a very sad-looking heart, but it is the way God sees each sinner’s heart. The sad heart need not be sad long, for we read in 1 John, 1:7, 9 that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from sin, and that God forgives those who confess their sins to Him. [Pull the hinged halves out, showing the red side of each half.] The heart looks at the two halves, and it feels that they are not sufficient to take away its sin. Faith says, “Trust the promises of God,” and the heart says, “I do now accept Christ as my Saviour, and trust His blood to cleanse me from sin.” [Fold the two halves over the front of the heart.] See what happens! The heart is white again, and its sins are on the cross of Christ. This is what happens to all those who believe in Christ, and receive Him as their Saviour.
NOVEMBER 9, 1941 REPENTANCE AND FAITH I saiah 1:10-20; E zekiel 18:20-23; L uke 3:1-14; 13:1-5; 15:11-24; A cts 2:37-39; R omans 6:1-11
L u k e 15:11 A nd he said. A certa in man had tw o so n s: 12 A nd th e y o u n g e r o f th em said to his fa th er, F a th er, g iv e m e th e p ortion o f g o o d s th at fa lle th t o m e. A nd he d i vided u n to them his liv in g . 12 And not d&ra tit.
y o u n g e r son ga th ered all to g e th e r, and to o k his jo u rn e y in to a fa r cou n try , and th ere w a sted his su b sta n ce w ith riotou s livin g. 14 A nd w h en he had spen t a ll, th ere arose a m ig h ty fam in e in th at lands and h* hcurnn ±m ha in want.
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