October, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
copper wire, and a small l i g h t bulb. (Place a gold-colored “H” near the top of the cardboard, and cut out a heart shape near the bottom. Sketch the out line of a globe around the heart. On the back of the cardboard, just above the heart, fasten the light bulb. Solder a piece of wire to the center contact of the bulb and run it to the batteries, and then up the back of the Cardboard and through the cardboard at the center of the “H.” Twist the other piece of wire to spell the word, “THANKSGIVING.” Run one end of this wire through the heart and solder on to the outside con tact of the bulb. Cover this wire during the first of the lesson.) LESSON: Some people wonder wheth er prayers ever reach the ear of God. Others know that their p r a y e r s are heard, because they have received an swers. In the Bible, James tells us why* some prayers are not answered. “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (Jas. 4:3). We cannot expect to be blessed by answers to selfish pray ers, but God can teach us how to pray for things that really would be good for us. Inasmuch as not all prayers are an swered, it is well for us to know how to pray in order that our prayers may be heard and answered. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18 we read, “Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concern ing you.” Here we find that the giving of thanks should be included in our pray ers. At the top of this cardboard is a gold en “H” reminding us of heaven. At the bottom is a heart.' This heart reminds us of a person who „wants .his praver to reach heaven. We are told that we should pray with thanksgiving (cf. Phil. 4:6). This wire, coming out of the heart, spells “THANKSGIVING.” When the wire reaches the “H” representing heaven, there is a new light in the heart., [Contact the end of the other wire.] Of course, other things besides thanks giving enter into our receiving answers to prayer. We need to pray that God’s will may be done. But there is a glow of joy and gladness in the heart of each Christian when he realizes that his pray er, offered w i t h thanksgiving, has reached heaven. “ Enter into his gates with thanksgiv ing, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, .and bless his name” (Psa. 100:4).
A Thanksgiving; Song of Long Ago P salm 103 , MEMORY VERSE: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto rhe Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High’’ (Psa. 92:1). APPROACH: Everybody likes a polite person. One of the first things a parent teaches a child is to say “Please” and "Thank you.” If we give some one some
6 1 V F THE BOYS V and GIRLS 14 Soul-winning: Chalk Talks coin 25c ‘Beautiful Hymns” for juniors. 10c Folding Blackboard & Easel..$6.00 <3x4£ ft., used everywhere). have been highly recommended for Christian workers. Order from REV. . FRANK A. M ILLER, Supt. Children's Evangelistic Union 125 S. Avenue 60, Los Angeles, Cal. Please Mention King's Business
thing and that per son forgets to say “Thank you,” we think he is pretty rude. I w o n d e r whether God ever thinks we are rude because we forget to thank Him for things. LESSON STORY: Thanksgiving D a y
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is coming soon. There are many ways to show our thankfulness. We may speak it with our lips; we may show it with bur lives. The Bible tells us of a man called David, who loved God and showed his gratitude by singing songs of-thanks giving. His songs are called psalms. We can read them in the Bible. In Psalm» 103, David thanks God for forgiving his sins, for healing his diseases, for satisfying his mouth with good things. ,It seems that everywhere he turns, David finds something for which to thank God. I wonder how many things you can find to be thankful for. Would you like to name some? Perhaps you cannot make' a song about these things, as David did, but you can show your grati tude to God by the way you live. Shall we make our loving hearts the music and our clean lives the words for our song of thanksgiving? Object Lesson H eard in H eaven OBJECTS: A piece of cardboard 12x36 Inches, two dry-cell batteries, 12 feet of a* « « a * M h
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LEARN HOW TO BUILD SERMONS William M. Smith, the instructor in Homiletics and Psychology in..Union Bible Seminary, has pre pared a set of 20 lessons in Homiletics which will help you. Fifteen methods of outlining are employed. Sample below. Text • Thou will shew me the path of life. P». 16:11. _ Subject: The Journey of Life. Method: The Pictorial Outline Method. —— Outline: — 1 ( The Guide—“ Thou” —Jesus Christ ' ZSZ a. His Qualification— w ise kind, etc. 77 *]* ——* b. His Experience—been over the road.™— “ II The Traveler—“ me*’ ¡¿ -j a. Must take the journey. «— b. Have mit had experience. •— 111 The Road—“ path” SSS a. One of many. ZZZZ SIS b. is a harrow road. ZUZZ ¡¡SS IV The Destination—“ life’* ZHZ mH a. Contrast with death. — b. A delightful anticipation. Gentlemen I enclose $1.00 for this set of lessons and “ The Gospel Minister Weekly” for 26 Issues. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY. Dept. 103A Westfield, lmi.
NOVEMBER 30, 1941 CHRISTIAN LOVE L eviticus 19:17, 18, 33, 34; D euteronomy 6:4, 5; M atthew 22:35-38; J ohn 3:16; 13:34, 35; 1 C orinthians 13.
oth er. «5 By thl* *hall all m en k n o n are m y disciples» if ye h ave love a n oth er.
John 13:34 A new com m an dm en t 1 jgive u n to y o «» T hat ye love one a n o th e r; an 1 h ave loved you» that ye a lso love on e a n -
f« to
that one
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