October, 1941
“gift,” but they may be great with the Lord’s greatness when love is present. Love’s power is seen in the manner of its outworking (vs. 4-7). It suffers long and is kind—both during and after pro vocation! It acts with perfect courtesy, never being unseemly; it is self-empty ing, seeking not its own. There is noth ing it desires for itself; hence it "is not easily provoked,” but is patient in the presence of irritants. It holds no grudge, it rejoices'in the presence and progress of truth. Love’s permanence is seen in the clos ing verses of this lesson (vs. 8-13). Love will never fail, for God, who is love, endures. To acquire this love, one must ex change self for Christ as the One to rule within the life. And tp manifest love, one must simply allow the indwelling Christ to live out His life through the one who yields to Him. “Christian” love is something of which the unsaved world knows nothing experimentally, but it is a vital agent in the bringing of the love of God to those who do not know Him. Points and Problems 1. “A new commandment I give unto you” (John 13:34). Did not the Old Testament command men to love their neighbors as themselves ? , The Lord explains clearly wherein His command is something utterly in advance, of all moral requirements given previously:* “ As I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” The command was old. But the standard was so new that it shed a new moral glory on the old com mand. The new standard raised the re quirement absolutely beyond the powers of men, and therefore its realization is possible only in those who are born of God. For this love is “of God,” and of Him alone. 2: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples” (v. 35). To be a dis ciple is to be literally a “learner.” It is a waste of b r e a t h to claim to be a “learner” of the Lord Jesus, as long as we are harboring hatred for the breth ren. In the primitive church love was always the true badge of discipleship. Even the heathen saw in the early Chris tians something new and different. “ They loved one another, even before knowing one another,” said Minutius Felix of these Christians. And the scof fing Lucian said, “Their Master has made them believe that t h e y are all brethren.” BLACKBOARD LESSON "UJ£ LOUEHim. BECAUSE HEEIR.5T LOUCD U5’ lJOHn^:io
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1 C orin th ia n s 13:1 T h ou g h I sp ea k w ith th e to n g u e s o f m en and o f a n gels, and h a ve n ot ch a rity , I am becon^ i as sou n d in g b rass, or a tin k lin g cy m ra l. 2 A nd th ou g h 1 ha ve th e g ift o f p ro p h ecy , and un d erstan d a ll m ysteries, and a ll k n o w le d g e ; and th o u g h I h ave all fa ith , so th a t I cou ld rem ove m ountains, an d h a ve n o t ch a rity , I am n oth in g. 3 A nd th o u g h I b e sto w a l l 1m y g o o d s to feed th e p o o r, and th o u g h * ! g iv e b o d y to be b u rn ed , and ha ve n o t ch a rity , It p ro fite th m e n oth in g . 4 C h arity s u ffe re th lo n g , and Is k in d ; ch a rity en v leth n o t; ch a rity vau n teth not its e lf, Is n ot p u ffe d up, 5 D oth n o t b eh a ve Itse lf unseem ly* se e k e th n o t h er o w n , is n o t ea sify p ro v o k e d , th ln k e th n o e v il; 6 R e jo ice th n o t In In iq u ity, b u t ve- jo ic e th In th e truth:* 7 B eareth a l] th in g s, b ellev eth a ll th in g s, h op eth a ll th in g s, endu reth all th in gs. 8 C h arity n e v e r fa ile th : b u t w h eth er th e re b e p rop h ecies, th e y sh a ll fa il; w h e th e r th ere b e to n g u e s, th ey shall ce a s e ; w h eth er th e re be k n o w le d g e , it sh a ll va n ish a w a y. 9 F o r w e k n o w In p a rt, and w e p ro p h esy In part. » 10 B u t w h en th a t w h ich Is p e rfe ct com e, then that w h ich is In p a rt sh a ll be don e a w a y. 11 W h en I w a s a ch ild . I spa k e as a ch ild , I u n d erstood as a ch ild , I th ou g h t as a ch ild ; but w h en I becam e a m an, I p u t a w a y ch ild ish th in g s. 12 F o r n o w w e see th ro u g h a g la ss, d a rk ly ; but then fa c e to face* n ow I k n o w In p a rt; bu t then sh a ll I k n o w even as a lso I am k n ow n . 13 A nd n o w a bid eth fa ith , h op e, ch a r ity , th ese th re e ; b u t th e g re a te st o f these Is ch a rity . , LESSON T E X T : Joh n 13:34, 35; 1 Cor. 13:1-13. GOLDEN T E X T * «W e lo v e him , beca u se h e firs t loved u s” (1 Joh n 4:1 9 ). D E VO T ION A L R EAD IN G * Psa. 145:9-21. Outline and Exposition I. T h e N ew C o m m a n d m e n t (John 13:34, 35) y | "^HE LAW enjoined love by saying, “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear A . any g r u d g e . . but . . . love thy neighbor sis thyself” (Lev. 19:18). Love, as viewed in the Old Testament, wsis limited and connected with the idea of revenge; Christian love is unlimited and connected with the idea of sacrifice. The words, “As I have loved you,” im ply the greatest possible sacrifice. It is love that assumes the aggressor’s obligation and accepts the punishment for it. Christian love is beyond human af fection. The latter is mere sentiment. “God is love,” and hence the world can not, know love. It can know only senti ment which shows itself to particular persons. True love is spontaneous and without partiality. n. T h e M ore E x c e ll en t W a y (1 Cor. 13:1-13) This passage should not he divorced from its context. It occurs in the midst of the discussion concerning ’"gifts,” and it teaches that love alone must be the motive for the exercise of the gifts. The “gifts” are manifestations of the Lord’s power; the love is the manifestation of Himself. Love gives value to all else (vs. 1-3). Many believers have no spectacular
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