October, 1941
I B B KXNOt’ g. B U S I N E S S
a thousand years, to a rule of Justice and peace, Christ will conquer the whole world, not for economic, social, or polit ical aggrandizement, hut for' righteous ness’ sake (Isa. 25:9; Acts 15;14-18; Isa. 54:10-14; Rev. 20:4, 6; Zech. 14:9-11). H. THE METHODS OP . MISSIONS ARE ALWAYS PEACE-WARD, 1. Missions will not handle the tools of war, such as envy, Intolerance, race hatreds, nationalistic propaganda, eco nomic compromises, political entangle ments, etc. Their chief weapons are spiritual (Eph. 6:10-20; 2 Cor. 10:3-5). 2. Missions have often brought peace j to communities. a. Cannibalistic regions have been completely «transformed. Illus.: Pata gonia, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides (Read life of John G. Paton). b. Missionaries h a v e succeeded, . where soldiers have failed, in establish ing peace between warring heathen tribes. (Read the thrilling story o f, Mary Slessor .of Calabar, Africa, who became the respected mediator between ferocious tribes, and received recogni tion by the British government.) m . THE PRESENT CHALLENGE OF MISSIONS TO YOUTH. 1. To Volunteer. This involves a full surrender of the life for service to the “Prince of Peace.” 2. To Prepare. “ Shod with the prepa ration of the gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:i5). 3. To Go. Missionary doors are clos ing in many parts of the world—but the Western Hemisphere is still, open! Consider that 1,000 (or even 100) new Spirit-filled missionaries marching forth to Latin America (or where doors are open) WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR will do more toward peace than 100,000 mechanized soldiers—and at less cost. The cail is urgent! After the war may be too late! Who will go? (Isa. 6:8). For the Leader Use the following questions for gen eral discussion, or assign two-minute talks to individuals, at least one week in advance. , 1. What should be our attitude to ward youth peace movements?
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2. Should evangelical Christians op pose industrial, educational, or medical missions ? (If a young person is prepar ing to be such a missionary, what in dispensable aims should characterize his preparation?) 3. VJhat can our young people’s so ciety do for missions or missionaries? (How has the war affected the carry ing on of missionary work?) NOVEMBER 9, 1941 CHRISTIAN YOUTH AT WORK The selection of the above topic by the Christian Endeavor Committee is somewhat unfortunate, f o r t h e s e reasons: (1) One hesitates to speak of "Working for Peace” in these days of “propaganda” and “preparation” for war, and (2) The establishment of peace is not within our power. We need to consider carefully and sanely our responsibility to our nation and government, yet we must not over look our responsibility to God also. We must remember the fact that it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, salth the Lord o f hosts” (Zech. 4:6). How to reconcile these two obliga tions has brought confusion to many Christian people. As to what the atti tude of the Individual.Christian should be toward participation In war Is a mat ter for personal decision based upon prayerful study of the Word of God, and should not be the basis of this discus sion. Great men of God are divided as to the matter. A t any rate, let us avoid an unchristian attitude of ridicule to ward any genuine child o f God who has conscientious convictions one way or the other. As Christian young people, we find that there is a sense in which we may “work for peace.” This is not on the basis of friendship and understanding FOR PEACE I saiah 11 :l-9 By Lyman A. Wendt Introduction
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