King's Business - 1941-10


TH E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1941

proximately $21,000,000,000 has been spent for liquor in the United States. Our national debt has been increased by almost exactly the same amount WINE, WOMEN, AND CRIME: • The Federal. Bureau of Investigation reports, according to tin Associated Press news dispatch, “a sharp increase during the first half of 1941 in arrests of women for misuse of alcoholic bever­ ages. An analysis of 28,450 arrests of women in 410 cities showed increases of 35.4 per cent over 1940 [the correspond­ ing half of 1940] for drunkenness and 38.3 per cent for driving while intox­ icated.” Crime among women increased along with drunkenness, according to the F. B. I. figures. Arrests of women for all causes increased 16.8 per cent. Arrests of women for murder increased 17.2 per cent, for assault 22.4 per cent, for, bur­ glary 20.3 per cent, and for automobile theft 19.4 per cent. In his recent report published in the Chicago Tribune, George A. H. Scott, secretary of the Illinois Humane So­ ciety, declared: “I’ve been a director of this so­ ciety for more than forty years and I think we’ve more trouble with women neglecting their families now than we used to have. . . . Fifteen of the many child neglect cases in­ vestigated by the Stociety last year were brought to court. In seven of the cases the mothers were found to prefer drinking to looking after their families. Four of the mothers were alcoholics and were placed in institutions.” A Statesman’ s Estimate So great is my veneration for the Bible, that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hopes that they will prove useful citizens to their country and respect­ able members of society. —John Quincy Adams.

-------— — T H E— -------- SOUL-WINNER’S FIRE by Evangelist John R.-Rict T h ou sa n d s h a ve been b lessed by the a u th or’s w ritte n m in istry 1—his fervent p rea ch in g has sw a yed m an y and led them to a k n o w le d g e o f C h rist as S av­ iou r and L ord . In this b o o k he pours out his h ea rt a g a in st the coldness of this gen era tion , th e la ck of concern of the p eop le o f G od for those outside of C hrist. P icto ria l, two-oolor cover, 128 p a ges, 20 c. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 N. W e lls St., C h ica g o, 111. ACHRISTMAS CARD THEY'll KEEP Beautiful — New — Different Agents: IncreaseYoar Income...Popular. Quick- Selling 4-Color Art Christmas Cara of 12Beau- tiful Page3...Inspiring story of “ Silent Night*. This Unique Feature brings quick sales ana added profits. Write for FRE5 sample today. JOHN RUD IN & COM PAN Y In c. Pub.: "Book of life " and*‘Stories ofHymn» Ws Lars’* 1018 S. Wabash Avs. Dspt. O Chicago, Bk SO Personal Greeting Folders $1 Sent postpaid— 10 designs— your nam e (one line) printed on all the 50 o f one design or 5 each o f the 10 designs. Send fo r picture folder show ing designs. 21 D e Luxe Scripture Text Folders fl.0 0 . Both above in one order $1.75 postpaid. H. L. DE VALI 52K W oodbridge A v e ., N ew B runsw ick, N . J. AGENTS WANTED W e need 500 C h ristia n w o rk e rs to s e ll o n r splen did re lig io n s lin e o f C h ristm as and e v e ry d a y g r e e tin g ca rd s, scrip tu re ca len ­ dars, p en cils, s ta tio n e ry , n o v e ltie s, »a cre d m u sic, s o n g b o o k s, p laqu es, m ottoes, B i­ bles, and b o o k s o f a ll kinds* G ood com ­ m ission . Send fo r o u r la rg e fre e l 2 S -pa g e ca talog . THE BOONE PUBLISHING COMPANY P. O. B o x 200 D e* M oines, Io w a GIVE ALL YOUR FRIENDS A L A P E L CRO S S For m en, w om en and children. F ine for special aw ards. G reat m oney-raiser for groups, sch ools and societies. Finished In durable gold plate. Sam ple 10c; 6 for 50c; 15 for $ 1 ; 100 for $5. C ash w ith order or C . O . D . .............................. VICTOR LUSSIER 2502 N orth R idgew ay A ve.. Chicago. 111.

FOUR ORATOR IOS OF THE REVELATION |Continued from Page 380] sulfation with Satan. When the king­ doms of this world become His whose right it is to rule, then Satan and all who have admitted his government will be swept away into the lake of fire. Awful thought for every unsaved person who reads these lines! The greatest chorus of the greatest oratorio that has ever been written by mortal man, it will be agreed, is the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. This final oratorio of the heav­ enly choirs has been adapted to human voices, and even as we hear it sung on such a relatively puny scale, our hearts are stirred. We wonder how many of those who have thrilled to this greatest piece of earfiily music have realized the solemn significance of what the acces­ sion to His power of the Saviour and King, as heralded by that great heaven­ ly chorus, is going to mean to every one who has rejected His grace! The hour is coming and is nigh at hand when these things will come to pass. Will you not stop and consider, O sinner, or you who merely profess to be a Christian, whether this chorus will strike joy or terror to your heart in that day? For He cometh with His fan in His hand, and lie will thoroughly purge His floor; the wheat will He gather into the gamer, but the chaff He will bum with unquenchable fire! The gate of grace yet remains ajar, and you can still enter. Will you hot confess Him today as Lord and Saviour before it is too late? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS « [Continued from Page 371] later repealed by majority vote of the electorate of the nation.” Hgllett Abend, New York Times cor­ respondent, has expressed the opinion that the “dry bills in Congress face doom because Stimson and Knox fight them.” But Congress is responsible to the people—not to the members of the Cabinet. The legislation may yet be enacted if Christian citizens everywhere will let their representatives in Congress know that they favor a “dry” army. The “ dry army bill” is listed as Senate Bill 860 and House Bill 4f000. In writing your representatives in Congress, it is well to mention the number of the bill. LIQUOR AND TAXES: • As this column is being written, the Senate is wrestling with the new tax bill recently passed by the House of Representatives. The measure calls for the raising of slightly over $3,000,000,- 000 in “new revenue." An editorial in the Los Angeles Times makes the com­ ment that this is the average annual amount of America’s liquor bill. During the past seven years, 1fee Times adds, ap­

Open Air Meeting ip New York with Mr. Aston speaking HELP REACH THE JEWS for CHRIST! Never before has there been such opportunity to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews. Of the 2,000,000 Jews in New York City, many are Hebrew Christian refugees from Europe. A large responsibility tor the evaogelizatlon ot these Jews rests with the Mew York Jew- ish Evangelization Society, founded in 1908 by the tainted Dr. Thomas M, Chalmers. W e n eed y o n r g ifts and p ra y e rfu l co o p e ra tio n to en a b le ns t o p ro cu re m ore m ission aries to ca rry on th is Im p orta n t e v a n g e listic w o rk . Send for our monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine.” Yearly subscription $1. Sample copy 10c NEW Y©RK J EW I S H EVAN© É L I Z A T PON $ § Ç I E T ¥ Bev. Frederick A. Aston. Director 5S Second Avenue. New York. N.Y.

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