King's Business - 1941-10

October, 1941

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


DAILY Devotional Readings

' ■ N E W i l '- “ THE NINETY AND NINE” Transcription o f the m uch-loved them e '-by Sankey. ; D ifferen t arrangem ent for each' stariza, F or M ale Q uartet or M ale Chorus “ MY JESUS, I LOVE THEE” Anthem w ith transcription o f the fam iliar them e by A . J. Gordon on 4th stan za. For W om en 's Q uartet or W om en’s Chorus P rice 16c each postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER (<$mn\un ionWareofQuality ALUMINUM or SILVER PLATE indivìdua/Glasse FINEST WORKMANSHIP Lowest P rid es, S enti fo r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room 356 ^ 1701" 1705 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.^ Make MORE Money This Christmas W ith bur 4‘Bible Text Special” — 50 beautiful •Christmas folders im printed With nam e an dv choice o f Bible verse. Sells for only $1.20. N othing else like it. Christians appreciate. Liberal com m ission. A lso; .our com plete line, . Gre.eting C ards. “ Sunshine” plaques; Calen­ dars, Bible G am es;- N ovelties, etc., pays good profit to yourself or Church Society. Send for. returnable sam ples, and free D isp la y . Packet on “ Bible Verse Special.” (O ur large - agent’s Book, and Bible catalog . included free., on - re­ quest.) Satisfaction guaranteed. W rite today. C . W . B O YE R 2101 W indsor R d ., D ept. C -8 D ayton , Ohio 558 So. Hope St. Lot Angelei, Calif. •->15^ Gospel talks. Paper is’ folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. Inter­ esting to old and young. Full directions. One P astor w rites: “ Your talks are the best 1 have ever used or have been able to find,” Over 47.000 In use. Bach set $1.00 A ll Three $2.00 55 talks— w hole year with the children. Haddon Service, Box 164B F airfield, .Conn. fA LLfH R ISTU U I V ' /o r AG ADD TO YOUR INCOME Selling Books, Bibles, Christ­ mas Cards, Scripture-text Stationery, Plaques, Tracts, and other popular Gospel-spreading items. Liberal dis­ counts, helpful plan. No experience necessary. Accept this call NOWI Fill an urgent need—rewards abundant. Full or part time. Work founded by D. L. Moody. Write today. BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION 810 North Wells Street Chicago, Illinois GOSPEL AND PROPHETIC Lantern slides present the opportunity today as never before, proclaim ing Prophecy and the G ospel. 2 ” x2” or $J” x4” slides to order . in a few days. Plain., 40c, 60c colored. Quan­ tity .reduction. Enclose 3c for list. . C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone C L . 66129 6176 M yosotis. St. L os A n geles, C alif. “ OBJECT TALKS ” 20 bright talk s to boys and girls lllu s trated byv fam iliar objects. “ Talks on Texts’’ 2(3 Children’8 . Serm ofts. Illustrated by fascinating illustrations. “ Paper T earing Talks”

1. Comprehending “To comprehend . . , and. to know the love of Christ’’ (Eph. 3:18, 19). My soul, oh, be thou blessed in compre­ hending More of thy Saviour’s all-surpassing love, And let thy prayers- and praises sweetly blending Rise to His glory into heaven above. So will thy deepest longing and affection Be for Himself, and thou transformed be Into His image, kept from sad defection; And men behold His beauty e’en in thee. —A. W. H. Our Living Example “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27), Many are willing to point to a good way, and eagerly press others to walk, therein, but how. différent is the action of the blessed One! He becomes in everything the living Example. . . . Nowhere does He say, as did the Phari­ sees, “Do as I say,” but always, “Do as I do.” . . . We do not need to ask, “What would Jesus do?” We know, as we fol­ low moment by moment, step by step, where He leads.—A. T. Schofield. “In Preparation” “He who has begun a good work within you will go on to perfect it in preparation for the Day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6, Weymouth’s translation). Usually this verse means to us that God, who has graciously begun minis­ tries of blessing in pur lives, Will carry them on to a happy culmination. That thought is, indeed, in view. But the “ good work” may also be in the form of painful and prolonged discipline (cf. 1 Sam. 3:12). Happy is the Christian who can see that all the Lord’s dealings with him are in “preparation for the Day of Jesus Christ.”—Selected. God’s Righteousness “The gospel of Christ: . . . For therein 2. 8. 4.

The Passion Flower Thou lowly, meek and l o v e l y flower, But yesterday, at evening’s hdur, As trudged .1 upward with my load, I saw thee blooming by the road, And stayed my steps to wonder there That beauty so supremely fair Should waste its loveliness on me— Even as the Flower of Calvary! —CHARLES G. BLANDEN. is the righteousness bf God revealed from faith to faith” (Rom. 1:16, 17). Man has ever thought well of him­ self. He has gone about to establish his own righteousness. But while he does so, he cannot walk with God, since he is not agreed with God in the matter. . . . It has been wisely said, “Never expect anything from God except grace.” To do’ otherwise is to* be disappointed; to look for grace apart altogether from merit is to be abundantly satisfied. It is the only attitude that pleases God. —George Goodman. Desire of the Nations “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Tire desire of all nations was never found until Christ was crucified. But Christ crucified, like a divine loadstone, Has drawn to Calvary a multitude, that no man can number, of guilty hearjs, of bleeding hearts, of broken hearts. Thie cross, the true center and sanctuary of this fallen and broken world, Is the only leverage mighty enough to roll off crushed humanity the ponderous incubus which bondage to Satan had placed upon It.—Robert G. Lee.* 6. Comfort for All “Jesus wept^” (John 11:35). The verses of our Bible are merely a human arrangement, yet who can doubt that the Spirit of God controlled the one who made it in putting these two words into one verse ? They indeed should stand alone. . . . They have been the comfort of mourners in all ages, and they will continue to minister consola­ tion to His people until God Himself shall wipe away all tears from their faces.—Edward Dennett. *Reprinted from ^ “ C a lY a ro” by^ special^ per­ mission of Zondervan Rapids, Mich, House, Grand 5.

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey OPTOMETR IST ; 415 Park Central Bldg. : 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

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