T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October, 1941
Ownership means that the Owner has a right to do as He pleases with His own property. And, blessed be God, we are in His keeping, and what God pleases to do with us, it will take an eternity to tell. You are not your own guide, any more than the ship which is steered by the pilot. You are not your own pro vider, any more than the sheep fed by their shepherd. —Christian Reader’s Digest. 12. Misusing Our Liberty “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh” (Gal. 5:13). You have liberty, but your liberty is not to be used selfishly. . . . There was nothing sinful in taking a sea voyage from Joppa to Tarshish, but when Jonah took it contrary to the revealed will of God, it was sin in him. And there are many things which are not sinful in themselves, . . . but if my doing of that thing is contrary to the mind and will of God, then in me it is sin. —H. W.* Hinde. 18. The Lord’s Responsibility “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies” (Psa. 60:12). A dark and lonely life it is to walk through the world trusting in ourselves for everything, and trusting God for nothing; to be daily saying in our hearts, “The battle is not the Lord’s but mine; the work is not the Lord’s, but mine; the burden is not the Lord’s, but mine.” But it brightens all our life to know that all is of the Lord, by the Lord, and to the Lord.—Moody Stuart. 1 4 . Jacob’s Rods “ And Jacob took him rods” (Gen. 30:37). Jacob provides a splendid example of the carnal Christian who seeks to settle all of his own problems by his own cunning and management. In the collec tion of both wives and wages, he en deavors by'self-effort and cunning to gain for himself riches. In place of allowing God to multiply the ring- staked, speckled, and spotted cattle, as He assuredly would have done had he trusted God, Jacob sets about securing their multiplication by strategy. —Milo F. Jamison. 15. Fearing His Word "He that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded” (Prov. 13:13f. Preserved from evil and led into righteousness by ouy reverence of the command, we gain a quiet conscience, which is a well of wine; a sense of free dom from responsibility, which is as life from the dead; and a confidence of pleasing God, which is heaven below. The ungodly may ridicule our deep rev erence for the Word of the Lord; but
7. The Greatest Marvel “Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, . . . Jesus of Nazareth . . . ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crufii- fied and slain’’ (Acts 2:14, 22, 23). Of all the marvels accompanying the effusion of the Spirit of Pentecost, none is greater than the change wrought in the disciples themselves. Previously they had met behind closed doors for fear of the Jews, but now their shrinking timid ity gives place to lion-like boldness. Can you recognize Peter the denier in the preacher who faces the rulers of the Jews and fearlessly charges them with their guilt?—J. Oswald Sanders. 8. We Know in Part “Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as .also I am known” (1 Cor. 13:12). We know in part—how small the part Of all there is to-know! As tiny drops would be, compared With teeming river’s flow. We know in part, We see in part; We cannot comprehend; But God from the beginning sees, Sees e’en the very end. We know in part; then be it so; i The Father knoweth best; But we who know in part today Some day shall know the rest. Making It Personal “When ye pray, use not vain repeti tions” (Matt. 6:7). We should pray the Lord’s Prayer with deep thought and a sincere heart. We are so familiar with it and use it so often in public arid private devotions that its wonderful messages often fail to reach the brain and the heart. It helps at times to make it personal: “My Father who art in heaven,” “ Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors.” —Floyd W. Tomkins. 10. Comparative Values “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8). In the placid waters of a lake, every thing which is highest in reality is low est in the reflection. . . . That is the pic ture of this world; what is highest in this world is lowest in the other, and what is highest In that world is lowest in this. Gold is on top here; they pave the streets with it there. To serve is looked upon as ignoble here; there those that serve reign, and, the last are first. —F. B. Meyer. 11. Ownership “For ye are bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:20). —T. O. Chisholm. 9.
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