October, 1941
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
THE PURIFYING HOPE [ Continued from Page 374] sioh. The man was to begin with the beatitudes. After a surprisingly short time, he could repeat all of them perfectly, flu ently, and with evident understanding of the depth of practical meaning con tained therein. The teacher was de lighted with his pupil, and commended him most heartily. “Now that you have learned them,” said the missionary, “you must go out and practice them.” The Japanese smiled appreciatively, and with a happy light of understand, ing upon his countenance, he replied, “That is how I learned them.” Let us be continually mindful that the interpreting of the approach of the “times” and “seasons” loses its value unless it recalls us to the necessity of being filled with the Holy Spirit to complete that world-wide witness till He come. “I have obtained first-hand evi dence that Hitler’s agents have been working quietly for njpre than a year to recruit support among European Christians. . . This cam paign to divide Christians had been planned . . . as coolly as they had planned their earlier campaign in which Jews were the principal pawns. . . In this latest psychologi cal campaign Hitler plotted to use Red Russia as similar pawns. He assumed the post of defender of Christian Europe against Atheist Russia, seeking thus to paralyze op position to his imperialistic schemes on large sections of the Christian world by maneuvering the British Empire and the United States into the'.role of accomplices of Bolshe vism.” Whether or not one accepts the an alysis offered by this foreign correspond ent, it will not be denied that when followers of the Lord Jesus Christ can and will stand together and with Him who died for them, they possess unitedly a power that is unmatched anywhere. The sadness is that enemies have used successfully in many quarters the tool for dividing the household of the re deemed. • “ Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost” (Tit 3:5). AROUND THE KING’ S TABLE [Continued' from Page 371]
T H E B E T H E L M I S S I O N of Eastern Europe 2223 Monroe Street, N. E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota RUIN or RELIEF?
N A Z IS M caused R U IN and D E V A S T A T IO N in the invaded countries; - but IN C O M P A R A B L E is the plight o f the M IL L IO N S o f J E W S there be cause of IN H U M A N H O S T IL IT IE S and C R U S H IN G A T R O C IT IE S to which they are subjected. D riven from their hom es and business, confined in G H E T T O S and deprived of m eans o f liveli hood, they are exposed to S T A R V A T IO N . Spiritu ally benighted without T H E G O SP E L — T H E L IV IN G H O P E , they are In utter despair. " I s there N O B A L M in G IL E A D ? " Is there N O H E L P for those starvin g m asses and P E R IS H IN G
M rs. Leon I. Rosenberg
Rev. Leon I. Rosenberg
C H IL D R E N ?
The B E T H E L M ISSIO N o f E A S T E R N E U R O P E , Inc., (founded by P astor and M rs. Leon I. Rosen berg, whose activities extend over 40 years in R ussia and in other M ission fields) is the O N L Y G O SP E L L IG H T H O U S E in the D A R K and STO R M Y S E A o f N A ZISM for the so' gravely afflicted J E W IS H M IL L IO N S , to fu lfill its E V A N G E L IC A L T A S K S ’o f: — B R E A K IN G the B R E A D o f L IF E to the fam ished souls of old and young. .—H E L P IN G to A L L E V IA T E the N E E D o f the S U F F E R IN G and S T A R V IN G ,— especially am ong those o f the H O U S E H O L D of. F A IT H . — M A IN T A IN IN G an O R P H A N A G E and C H IL D R E N ’S H O M E for H ebrew Christian and other destitute boys and girls. T H E B E T H E L M ISSIO N is a faith w ork. Y O U R P R A Y E R S and S Y M P A T H Y are E A R N E S T L Y C O V E T E D for all its activities on the foreign field a s well as in the hom eland. , The "B E T H E L W I T N E S S " w ith current new s from the M ISSIO N F IE L D , is freely sent to every friend, upon request. HEADQUARTERS: 2223 Monroe Street, N. E.f Minneapolis, Minnesota. You Are Invited tp Open Your Savings Account with EQUITABLE PLANCOMPANY “ A Savings Institution” NOT a Building-Loan A ssociation
We see a light; changed is our life. Our code Must be revised, and we must seek to pay For past mistakes; humbly, as Saul, we, too, Must question: ‘‘Lord, what wouldst Thou have us do ?” —Sara Roberta Getty. He Is All “ Christ is ah, and in all” (Col. 3:11). Jesus Christ is an Armory, in which hang armor for defense, and weapons for attack. . . . Christ is a Banqueting House, in which the tables groan beneath the weight of all that is needed for the supply of ¿appetite and the gratification of taste. . . . Christ is a Surgery, stored with all manner of restoratives and blessed elixirs; nor lacks an ointment for - every wound, a cordial for every faintness, a remedy for every disease. —F. B. Meyer. The Chorus of the Ages “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, . . . saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth” (Rev. 19:6). Therq is a grander chorus, of which Handel’s “Hallelujah” is but the faint anticipation. It will combine the voifces of patriarchs and prophets, apostles and martyrs, and all loyal, loving saints of all the ages. Nor is there in all the world . . . one humble soul that prays, “Thy kingdom come,” that lays conse crated offerings on the altar of missions, who shall not join that final anthem, as one who has helped forward the great consummation.—A, T. Pierson. SO. 31.
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