October, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
To Think of Christmas
1 yourself? Or if you wish, you may give your friends the benefit of these earnings. • Special Christmas Combination Offer: One annual subscription to THE KING’S BUSI NESS and one box of twelve beautifully embossed Christmas cards (retail price 50 cents or more), both for $1.25, in U. S.; add .25 cents fm* Canadian or foreign ad dress. • Remember that under present world con ditions, periodicals sent to distant addresses • must be ordered and mailed EARLY.
THINK OF OTHERS • Do you know that you can send a group of five, ten, or more subscriptions to t h a t many grateful people for a fraction of what the cost of individual subscriptions'would be ? Here is the gift that is easily selected, practical, and sure to please, THINK OF YOURSELF • Do you know that you can become a Group Organizer, earning sizable commissions for
Send Box of Christmas Cards to: N am e.........................— Address....—
P I wish to. take advantage of the Spe cial Christmas Combination Offer. For $1.25 enclosed, please send one annual subscription to: i Name. Address...... .
THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. □ Please send me Information about your Group Organiser Plan.
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