King's Business - 1941-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1941

Suggestion For K. Y. B. C. Teachers The Guessing Bag At a novelty store collect various articles that could be associated in some way with well-known Bible stories. Place them in a large bag or suitcase. Take out one article at each meeting, and allow the children to name all of the Bible stories suggested by the article displayed. For instance, display a toy camel. This will suggest the story of the Wise Men; Isaac and Rebekah, etc. The group may be divided into two groups, perhaps one of boys and ohe of girls. The side guessing the most stories in a given time wins a certain number of points. Children delight in the “Guessing Bag” idea, and they eagerly wait to see what the bag contains each club day. —M. S. H. Memory Work Who have "gone astray,” and what has the Lord done? Isaiah 53:6: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” What does the Good Shepherd do ? John 10:11: “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” What will the Lord do for “whoso­ ever” shall call on His name? Romans 10:13: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” In whom are Christians to rejoice— and when? Philippians 4:4: "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” Who is my Shepherd? Psalm 23:1: "The Lord is my shep­ herd; I shall not want.” [Detailed suggestions concerning methods of using these verses on 3x5 inch memory cards, with the question and reference given on-one side and the full verse filled in by the K . Y. B. C. member on the reverse side, appeared in the June issue of The Junior K in gs Business. ] How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o b ecom e a m em ber o f the K n o w Y our B ible C lub, read th rou gh the G ospel a c­ cordili a to J oh n , u sin g eith er you r ow n B ible or a G ospel o f John w hich w ill he sent upon request. W hen th e G ospel I ium heen read, and a sta tem en t to th is e ffe ct, sign ed by parent or S u n d a y-sch ool teach er, has been sent to the E d itor o f th e J u n ior K ing;'« B usiness, a K . Y. B. C. pin w ill be m ailed. S u n d a y-sch ool cla sses or clu b s d e sirin g to ord er ten or m ore G ospels or pins m ay w ish to share the co st o f these su p p lies, as the Lord. d ire cts: G ospels, p ostp a id, fiv e cen ts each-—in q u a n tity , th ree ce n ts} pins, w ith ou t p o sta g e , tw o cen ts * each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ith ou t « G ospel o r pin b ecau se o f la ck o f m on ey. A d d ress: J u n ior K in g 's B usi­ ness, 558 f . H op e S t.,'L o s A n gelos, C alif,

Divide by the number of letters Paul wrote to Timothy; and you have the number of the "inner circle” of Christ’s disciples—the ones He took with Him on specially important occasions. —Mrs. F. T. Browning. Jumbled Names of Bible Children • 1. Hdora,

Find Us Letters from the word “Jerusalem” are found in the following names. Find the names: | H • 1. A man whose story is told in the Book of Acts whose name was changed when he was converted. He became a great apostle and missiohary. 2. A man who wrote just one book in the New Testament. It has five chap­ ters. 3. A little boy who lived in the tem­ ple. ~ 4. A man who liked to hunt, liked to eat l e n t i l soup, and hated his twin brother. —Adapted from Revelation. Bible Arithmetic Add the number of the Gospels to the number of books in the Old Testament. Multiply by the number of chapters in Jonah; add the number of apostles; di­ vide by the number of letters in the name of the. man who built the ark. Subtract the number of years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness.

2. Maelsu. 3. Essom. 4. Sjhoa. 5. Shaioj.

Answer to Last Month’s “ Bible Arithmetic”

Answer wofked out: .3 (Dan. 3:20) + 5 (1 Sam. 17:40) + 6 (Ruth-3:15-17) + 12 (Num. 13:4-15) + 13 (Josh. 6:3, 4) -I- 20 (Gen. 37:28) .+ 27 + 30 (Matt. 26:14, 15) '+ 39 + 276 (Acts 27:37) + 300 (Judg. 7:f-6) + 300 (Judg. 15:4) + 969 (Gen. 5:27) + 1,000 (Judg. 15:15) = 3,000 (Job 1:3). Answer to Last Month’s “Who Am I ? ” Eli (1 Sam. 2:11, 12).

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Shining For Jesus



1. We will shineto - day for Je-su3, For dark clouds are drop-ping^rain; 2. We will smileto-day forJe-sus, For some hearts are ve - ry sad; 3. We will workto-day for Je-sus, Hands and feet to Him be-long;

II . i I É . We can hear ittap-ping, tap-ping, Soft-ly on the win-dow pane. And if we arekind and lov-ing; May - be we can makethemglad. While for Him we keep them

bus - y We willsing opr h'apji- py song.

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I T Shin-ing for Him, kind and hap-py He wants ev-’ry child to be. m

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