October, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
They try to teach English wholesale iii classes, bu t'it is an individual art, and must be taught individually as such games as baseball, football, and tennis ate 'taught. No coach would think of forcing every member of his class to be a football player. When players choose the game, and get individual coaching, they soon leam it. What the schools should do is to teach English in such 'a way. as to make it interesting so that every child would want to go: in for it —he would feel he was missing'some thing wonderful if he did not. If you missed learning the mastery of English in school, the first thing you want to do Is to wake up to the thrilling wonders of it. Then study it by the new airplane methods—not by the old horse- and-buggy methods. It will open up riches of knowledge for you and assist you in sharing effectively these treas ures. with others. ture Table accuracy and a pervading spirit of reverence. First published in England, the book is n ow •available in the United States. E. P. Dutton & Co.,' New York. 548 - pages, 5”x8” . Cloth, v Prices: $1.50 to $3.00, according to binding. Life on the Highest Plane By R u t h P a x s o n Brought together in one handy vol ume, . without revision, are the three books which yvere formerly printed sep arately and which deal thoroughly with “The Person, and Work of Christ,” “The Relation Between Christ and the Chris tian,” and-“The Believer’s Response to the Holy Spirit’s Inworking.” These studies were first given to pastors and Christian leaders in conferences in^ China, where the author was for many years a missionary. She is appreciative ly known to readers of recent issues of THE KING’S BUSINESS through her stimulating series of articles on the work of the'Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Concerning Miss Paxson’s three-volume work, R. A. Torrey said: ‘!It deals pretty much with all the great fundamentals of the Christian faith: the absolute authority of the Bible; the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ; His incarnation, virgin birth, atoning death, resurrection and ascension; sin; the forgiveness of sin; justification by faith; the new birth; sanctification; Satan and others . . . in a Scriptural way and a thorough way and rings true every time. . . . It is not merely to be read, but to be studied and read again and again.” Appearing in the book are several qharts, in colors, which add clarity to the message. 816 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n, Chi- ■cago. Cloth. Price $3.00,
ENGLISH— THE BASIC WORK ING TOOL [Continued from Page 383] electronic mastery of words which will give power to the words we utter. Easy to M aster*G o od English It is comparatively easy to master good English if you go about it in the right way. The schools have 'demon strated that you can waste years of time in the study of English if you follow wrong lines. Ehglish is the basic work ing tool of all our education; The child that can not read and write with ease, and accuracy fails to learn arithmetic; history, geography, and all the other school studies. Such being the case, you would think the schools would certainly teach English even if they did not teach anything else; and they do spend more time on it than on anything else. Our Litera ’ The New Testament in Basic English Professor C. K. Ogden of the Ortho- logical Institute of Cambridge has in recent years perfected a vocabulary of 850 English words which, used iri ac cordance with a few simple rules, can express the sense of anything that can be said in English. The present work is a simplified translation of the. New Testament prepared by Professor S. H. Hooke, of the University of London, with collaboration of numerous other scholars of England, with a view to expressing in these simple words the truths of the Word of God. In this reviewer’s opinion, such a book as a “Basic English” New Testa ment will be appreciated especially by missionaries and by all who teach those who are beginning to learn the English language. It must also be a blessing to children and young people, most of whom understand all the words em ployed, although Professor Ogden’s basic vocabulary has been extended to about 1,000 words. Any person of lim ited education will find the reading de lightful, and even the scholar will be refreshed by the directness and sim plicity of the phraseology. We do not say that any translation in modern speech could take the place of the Authorized Version as a piece of fine writing. Indeed, the publishers of this work do not offer it as a sub stitute for the older and better-known versions, but as supplemental reading. Any translation which in all essentials keeps close to the original while bring ing Bible truth to the immediate grasp of the reader will toe used of God. This translation is an innovation, but in the many key passages by which we have, tested it, there seem to be the utmost
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