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A group of Russell residents wants to ensure their local library branch remains open when a new facility is opened as part of the township’s recreation complex. The new recreation complex, to be located near the existing sports dome, includes plans for a library. The space is designed UPCFBOFXIPNFGPSUIF&NCSVOCSBODI of the township’s library, which has been temporarily located at the École élémentaire DBUIPMJRVF&NCSVOGPSZFBST At a recent Russell council meeting, coun- cillors discussed whether or not to rule out BOBNBMHBNBUJPOPGUIF&NCSVOCSBODIXJUI the Russell village branch at the new site. A decision on whether the Russell village branch will remain at its current site on Concession Street is expected to be made later this year. Russell residents Jane Patterson and Lynda Kemp, who are members of a nine-per- son book club, said the local library branch was an essential part of the village. The book club members have set up the ‘Save the Russell Library’ website and Facebook page to demonstrate their support for the branch remaining in place. Kemp said the library had been essential to the book club, both before and during the pandemic. The proximity to residents, central location, and ease of access made it a popular fixture in the community, she said. i8JUIUIFHSPXJOHQPQVMBUJPOPG3VTTFMM  there’s so many young families moving into Russell from the city, so we would like to keep this library to accommodate the new people as well as the old,” she said. “This is also a gathering place for the community. There is kind of a grassroots within the community support for the library.” The organizers said they supported the QSPQPTFEQFSNBOFOUIPNFGPSUIF&NCSVO library, but said amalgamation would reduce access for residents who were currently able to walk, ride, or use their wheelchair to access the local branch. i*UTJNQPSUBOUUIBUUIFSFTJEFOUTJO&NC - run have something close to them as well,”

Le groupe Save Russell Library, photographié avant le dernier ordre de rester à la maison, veut éviter une fusion des branches Russell et Embrun de la bibliothèque du canton. - photo Stephen Jeffery

Patterson said. “They’ve been extremely QBUJFOUXJUI UIFJSTJUVBUJPO8FLOPXIPX important it is for a location to be walk- able, and something that is more easily accessible.” In a message on the group’s website, Save Russell Library said the branch pro- vided access to the internet, was a cooling centre during extreme heat events, and was one of the only township sites in the village with regular, year-round opening hours. Patterson said reaction from residents had been receptive to the idea of maintaining a library branch in the village. “There was a lot of shock and an overwhelming feeling of need to ensure that didn’t happen,” she TBJEi8F SFBMMZ GFFM UIJTXBTTPNFUIJOH that was so important to us and others in the community.”


Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

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La police a accusé un conducteur dans la trentaine d’excès de vitesse et de conduite avec suspension sur l’autoroute 417 traversant La Nation la semaine dernière. Des agents de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (OPP) qui patrouillaient le tronçon d’autoroute traversant la municipalité de La Nation ont allégué qu’un véhicule les a dépassés en roulant à 151 km/h dans une zone de 110 km/h. Le conducteur a été arrêté, et la police a constaté que son permis était suspendu depuis 2011. L›homme de 34 ans devra répondre à des accusations d›excès de vitesse et de conduite avec suspension à une date ultérieure. Le véhicule a été conduit par un passager titulaire d›un permis de conduire. — photo fournie

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