Leadership Texarkana Class of 2021

Patricia Cunningham

Vice President Marketing Red River Credit Union

LEADER ID—Action-oriented, helpful, excellence aware loyal persistent LEADER.

Having spent much of her prior career in nonprofits, the cooperative spirit of credit unions has been a natural fit for Patricia. Patricia serves as the VP for Mentoring and Education on the Cornerstone Marketing and Business Development Executive Committee, is chair of the Children’s Miracle Network for the Wright Patman Chapter of Credit Unions, a member of the Greater Texarkana United Way Board, and VP of Marketing for the Caddo Area Council BSA Executive board. In 2015, Patricia was selected as the Cornerstone Credit Union League’s Marketing and Business Development Professional of the Year. Patricia received her Master of Science in Business Administration from Texas A&M University-Texarkana. She and husband Hunter have a 16-year-old son.

AREA OF INTEREST—Educational Excellence and Capacity • Efforts for Economic Business Success

“I plan to use the talents I have been given to increase my productivity at work and to use my abilities for the betterment of our community. I will continue to serve the Caddo Area Council to ensure proper funding to achieve membership goals and grow the scouting movement. Through United Way service I will help provide for various agencies in Texarkana. Through RRCU we will continue to provide financial literacy to all schools so children learn good financial skills early, ones often lacking in school curriculum. RRCU is also reaching out to underserved communities and offering financial literacy for adults and through any agency or organization who will invite us to engage with them. We teach basic financial literacy that reaches all learning styles and levels.”


LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence



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