Landon Forbes Assistant Corporate Credit Manager BWI Companies
LEADER ID—I am a committed, growth- oriented, practical, thoughtful SERVANT.
As an Assistant Credit Manager with BWI Companies, Landon helps oversee customer credit lines, customer set up and the collections process. Landon is driven by opportunities to serve and lead people working together to achieve a common goal. After graduating from Texas High School, Landon obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business Administration from Texas A&M University-Texarkana. In his free time, he enjoys walking, riding his bicycle and spending time with friends. He is passionate about building relationships and helping others.
AREA OF INTEREST—Economic and Business Success and Government and Public Service
“Through my experience in Leadership Texarkana, I have gained a much deeper understanding of how the difference pieces of our community work together to form what we know as “Texarkana USA”. Moving forward I will continue in service to the community through my involvement in Rotary. Additionally, service on one non- profit board and one city government committee will help me take more responsibility in making a positive impact in the community. Lastly, Leadership Texarkana has opened my eyes to the role that education plays in Economic Development. I’d like to possibly join a school board or serve in a local school system where I can become involved in decisions that affect the development of an educated workforce with many diverse skillsets in the Texarkana community.”
LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence
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