Crystal McDonald Operations Manager and Realtor Better Homes & Garden Real Estate Infinity
LEADER ID—I am a driven, diligent, task oriented, persevering ORGANIZER.
Crystal McDonald is the Operations Manager and a licensed Texas Realtor for local real estate brokerage Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Infinity, as well as a longtime area resident. She had a successful career in accounting, earning her bachelor’s degree in business administration and MBA from Texas A&M University-Texarkana. She oversees every aspect of her team with a goal to make sure the brokerage clients receive outstanding service and to help them achieve their real estate dreams. Crystal is constantly looking for ways to improve the office and to challenge BHGRE Infinity agents, so that they are constantly growing.
AREA OF INTEREST—Economic and Business Success and Basic Human Needs
“In my roles at one of the leading brokerages of Texarkana, it is my passion and my job to ‘Sell’ Texarkana. All I have learned from Leadership Texarkana will help me present Texarkana in a positive light, including the progress downtown and the work of AR-TEX Regional Development and TexAmericas. My will always seek ways to make our community great. The non-profits in our community are numerous and much needed, as they contribute to people having a better and more fulfilled life. I am so proud of my company because for every home closed, a portion of the Realtor’s commission is donated to a organization chosen on a yearly basis to help them in their efforts. I have learned the importance of all of these organizations and what they bring to our community and I will work as part of the one that will benefit from my time and efforts in the coming year.”
LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence
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