Leadership Texarkana is committed to... BLAZING TRAILS FOR COMMUNITY- WIDE STRATEGIC DOING... because WORKING TOGETHER is a KEY PRIORITY for community excellence - and Strategic Doing Can Make the DIFFERENCE
Strategic Doing is a proven process that enables loosely connected networks–such as those in communities and regions - to come together in the space of a workshop to plan and commit to DOING - to get things done that otherwise are left undone. As such, it’s not only an important part of Leadership Texarkana’s work in the community through the LIfT Strategic Doing Initiative and Core Team (see below) - but is also an important element in the Leadership Texarkana Class experience annually - from opening to closing retreat, and ideally, on beyond, for unleashing talent and ingenuity. During the Opening Retreat in September, class members joined one of five groups where they were challenged to imagine their opportunity as teams for working together— via Strategic Doing processes—to address one or another of the community priorities for maximizing our Texarkana ecosystem for competitive advantage and the overall health and well-being of all of our residents... In the Strategic Doing Model for Ecosystem Transformation - COMMUNITY PRIORITIES Include: • Brainpower - an imperative for economic success • Innovation Networks - which turn brainpower into new value • Quality Connected Places - because individuals with Brainpower and Innovation can settle
IMAGINE if we could tap the full potential of WORKING TOGETHER for our best future in Texarkana? What would that be like? What could we— should we— WILL we— do?
anywhere and won’t choose places that don’t attract and connect • Positive Narratives - about opportunities a place inspires • Collaboration - New ways of doing business in our horizontal world and co-creating as part of Working Together i.e., Strategic Doing.
As the basis of our discussion throughout the year, EVERY Class member not only worked within their Strategic Doing teams to address these priorities, but also gained a new understanding of each, as reflected in individual community commitments for future significance to growing Texarkana USA! LIFT STRATEGIC DOING CORE TEAM: Rob Sitterley, Joey Martin, Jennifer Harland, David Orr, Eric Voyles, Lesley Ledwell, Gary Stading, Jason Smith, Fred Norton, Chair; RE Whitt
LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence
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