Leadership Texarkana Class of 2021

• Engaging Students in What’s to Love in Texarkana —because we want our young people to grow up knowing and loving Texarkana enough to invest in it and imagine themselves living here as adults! Monthly blasts targeting teens - distributed to Texas High /TISD / Michael Westbrook - TASD / Mike Friesen - Redwater ISD / Colton Mullins - PGISD / Zach Fowler - PGISD / Justin Dragoesqu - New Boston ISD / Beverly Shannon - Hooks ISD / Kelly Odom - Hooks ISD / Matt Fry - LEISD / Kendra Bates - Queen City ISD Susan Childress - Queen City ISD / Tere Gaston - Atlanta ISD / Colby Boyce - Atlanta ISD / Erica Fouch - Maud ISD • Celebrating the Amazing Places we Have in Texarkana —Building on the belief that we already do have amazing places that can be a Talent Magnet, this group focused on building the audience for all of the goTXK and What’s to Love resources that are already available, and spreading the word. • Focus on Growing the Talent of Underserved Groups —With a focus on Literacy and working in partnershp with the Literacy Council, this initiatve established an educational advisory and efforts to grow brainpower in an area not usually recognized! • Spotlighting Entrepreneurs —An essential part of building a narrative that attracts the best—is one that relates the stories of cool people doing cool things_Stories of excellence and possiblity and innovation... was the monthly goal of the remaining group—Shared and created in conjunction with the Greater Texarkana Young Professionals—who know it first hand!


• goTXK Goodie Bags —Five hundred goTXK goodie bags were made and delivered to realtors to distribute to newcomers to Texarkana USA - with a goal of connecting them from Day One with all that’s to LOVE about Texarkana! in partnership with: Cooper Tire - Ledwell & Co - Goins Plastic Source - Farmers Bank and Trust - Hands On Texarkana - Plasco Designs - Texarkana College, Texas A&M- Texarkana, University of AR-Texarkana Board of Realtors. An additional 250 QR Code cards for goTXK.org were distributed to local hotels for visitors participating in the recent fishing tournament. • Why Texarkana? One minute video interviews to feature on social media, etc. featuring individuals from multiple sectors (healthcare, small business, education, etc) explaining why they chose Texarkana as their home. Some lifelong residents; some transplants. (in process/ by June)


LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence



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