Samuel Coston Assistant Principal, New Boston Elementary New Boston ISD
LEADER ID—Open-minded, big picture driven, conscientious, unintimidated LOYALIST.
As an educator, Samuel has taught elementary math, science, special education, middle school summer school, GED night courses and moonlighted one summer in rough carpentry. Currently an Assistant Principal, Samuel relishes opportunities to support teachers and their students. Samuel is the proud father of three wonderfully adventurous and uniquely wired boys, Trent, Moses and Ambrose. He is lucky enough to be the guy married to Angela and grateful to be the guy doing what he does professionally and personally. AREA OF INTEREST—Educational Excellence and Capacity • Efforts for Economic and Business Success “I see these two areas as being highly connected and co-dependent. I believe we need to do better at investing in the marginalized populations of Texarkana. Learning to listen, engage, and equip fellow humans to break the cycles of generational traumas, is an often overlooked area of leadership. A lot of emphasis is put on growth, development, and economic success... I believe we need to shore up these areas for the underserved and marginalized, even if they don’t fit the same mold as those of us already “at the table”.I will work with local agencies, and as an educator to build capacity for the marginalized to be given respect, and the best opportunity to succeed as humans, students, entrepreneurs, parents, or friends and an opportunity for their voice to be heard and their contributions coveted.”
LEADERSHIP TEXARKANA—Working Together for Community Excellence
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