The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 21


Among the highlights of the event were the hilarious surprises that unfolded throughout the day. Bill, Marcus, and Bonnie found themselves at the receiving end of an unexpected sliming experience. With each burst of laughter, they embraced the unexpected, joining in the fun and becoming walking works of art.

The Colour Run was such a fun event. It was great to see all the students from across the school running and also great to see the teachers have so much fun throwing colour at us … and each other! Our white shirts were all so messy but it was for a great cause as we raised over $18000. The highlight of my day was seeing Bill, Bonnie and Marcus get slimed, it was so fun to see our Principals get involved on the day. We all had so much fun. Ruby Yr8

Aside from the sheer fun and enjoyment, the Colour

Run also served a greater purpose. Through generous donations and tireless fundraising efforts, the Lakes South Morang College community managed to raise just under $19,000. The significance of this achievement cannot be overstated, as the funds raised will be utilized for important causes within the The Lakes South Morang College. The Colour Run at Lakes was a resounding success, leaving an indelible mark on all those who participated. From the students ’ laughter - filled faces to the surprising sliming of Bill, Marcus, and Bonnie, the event will be remembered as a celebration of unity and shared purpose. Additionally, the impressive fundraising efforts made a positive impact on the community, emphasising the power of collective effort in making a meaningful difference. Both Primary and Secondary SRC students did an amazing job with organising and hosting the event! Well done SRC!

The Colour Run was a fun day where the school all came together to raise money for a good cause. I really liked seeing the whole school come together, both the students and teachers all had such a great time getting covered in colour and slime. I really liked having a sausage sizzle on the day, as did a lot of other kids. I think it was a really special day for us all and an incredible effort to raise over $18,000! Liam Yr8

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